Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Arwyn Week 4: Kolpeks Come to Town - 7/16/2015

This was another exciting week of family fun.  The Transues were still here and the Kolpeks came to town, so Leia got reacquainted with her cousins and auntie (funny how it's like starting all over every time at this age...FaceTime does help a bit, but being there in person is still different).  Lots of fun events every day, including horse back riding, swimming, Cabela's Zoo, and parties, lots of parties.  Leia was so exciting to have her cousin Jordan as a playmate, and Jordan liked having a little responsibility and protogee, until it got old and she didn't!  Leia and MumMum finally had some really good bonding, so that was nice for both of them.

Leia finally learned to say the number 7 this week, which was really exciting for us.  It's Josh's favorite number, so it was a little disconcerting that every time she counted she would basically just skip it.  But now it's all good, she's counted every number from 1-10 and sometimes more.  Also, she's settling into her new role as sister and has figured out that Mommy is still here to stay, so she has gotten much better about her bedtime routine again.  Less clingy, less needy, and not asking for a million books or songs.  Just going through the routine and cooperating and happy to go to bed.  Such a relief for me and Josh!

Arwyn is now 4 weeks old, and the poor thing is so miserable when she breast feeds.  I've been putting it off, but it's clear to me that I need to cut out dairy.  The medicine alone is not cutting it.  I've mostly just been waiting for this hectic week with family to be done before I go cold turkey because it will be so painful.  But other than that, she's just been a total trooper as we cart her all around Tahoe and pass her all around the family.  And, I was totally vindicated because Josh also heard her speaking this week.  She yelled at him too, "Hey!"  So nice to have confirmation when people don't believe you that your 3 week old already talks!

Super Leia has super powers to get everything she wants from her family!

First time riding a horse!

At first it was a little scary to be up on this big horse, but after a little pep talk, she was all smiles!

A little father-daughter bonding adventure.

Look everyone, no hands!

Learning the hard way that even really well behaved trail horses love to try to knock you off under the low branches!

"Aghh, the horse is peeing!"

A natural cowgirl with her fringe leather jacket, jeans, and riding boots!

Julie was a very good horse!

Playing in the pond with MumMum!

Classic Leia pose of delight!

Making pancakes!


So fun to have a playmate!


Really big splashes!

Brrrr, it's freezing!

Grandma snuggles to get warmed up.

Big stretch!

Audra learning how to ride Cody the Moose.

Yay, it's Lizard pants, stopping in for a quick hello!

Auntie Megan remembering what it was like when her baby was this small.

The newest inductee into the Steelers Nation!

All bundled up and ready for some football...or maybe she is a little football?

Fun day at the lake with Grandma and PopPop!

The princess riding in her litter!

This kid hasn't passed out on a car ride in over a year...so tired!

Yay, cousin Jordan is here...more playmates!

Such a nice evening for hanging out at the pond!

Come on Dad, let me get in the water!

So much fun to have older cousins!

Jordan taking over bedtime story duty!

Love that sweet sleeping face!

People are her preferred sleeping locations these days.

Round 2 on the horses...Jordan came along this time!

They call this a pony ride, but Julie was no pony...Leia was way up there!

Leia was a pro this time...no fear!

Jordan was a pro rider too.

Such great horses!

On to the next adventure, "come on Jordan!"

Hanging with my besties...so fun that all our kids are within 6 months of each other! (Megan, Chelsea, Katharine, Audra, Dash, and Arwyn)

Mini reunion thanks to the Robinsons coming to town.

Leia loves explaining all sorts of stuff to her Uncle Jesse!

Auntie M loves her little niece!

Emmett meeting his cousins...like I said before, he'll have to get reacquainted all over again next year...

Our photo shoot test models are stealing the show here!

Cousin love!

So fun to hold a baby, and this baby loves to be held!

Kicking and screaming was requisite, but now we do officially have all the cousins gathered together!

Carter getting his turn with Baby Arwyn.

Back to her favorite tummy time spot...Daddy's chest!

Best part of miniature golf for Leia was the cool cave!

Poppy and his grandkids enjoying a day on the links!

Burrito mini!

PopPop tried to get Leia on the trampoline the other day, but she wasn't ready...today was a different story...

Big jumps and big smiles!

Jordan got so high, and look at that perfect form for her splits!

Eyes wide open...Hi Mom!

Already learning to stick her tongue out at the unwelcome paparazzi!

My Dad, water skiing pro at age 75!

Best part is that he always has a smile!

Carter going down...bye bye!

Leia got to ride the Funi all winter, but today she got to experience the Tram!

Arwyn's first Tram ride.

Poor Arwyn, got stuck carrying all the stuff!

Leia doesn't like to smile for the camera any more, but she's still pretty cute.

Minnie Mouse goggles and a new suit from Cousin Jordan...ready to hit the pool!

Gets pretty crowded when everyone wants to sit on your lap!

Lounging by the High Camp Pool...beautiful day, but a little chilly when the few random clouds covered up our sun1 

Tenderly rubbing special "medicine" on my arm.

Waterski morning #2.

Carter really showed us his great skills today!

Saw a porcupine playing in the river on our bike ride today!

First family bike ride!

Super Baby flying across the sky!

Emmett sandwich!

Toga party!

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