Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Arwyn Week 6: Sister Snuggles - 7/30/2015

This was another week of Leia and Arwyn being super cute and snuggly together.  I'm so happy that Leia loves her sister so much (so far)!  She's been singing to Arwyn all the time, as well as explaining to her all the stuff that is going on around her.  It is so cute.  Leia was also really funny this week, per usual.  She cracks us up with something new every single week, as I try to make clear with this blog.  Top funny story for the week was one day when we were hanging out in Leia's room.  She found the big green "Marco Rocks" foam hands that you take to cheer people on and have the first finger up to indicate that "You're #1".  So Leia picks these up (we have two) to play around with them, and then all of a sudden she points it at Arwyn and shouts "You're #2!"  Seriously??!!  She just learned that Marco was #1, we  maybe sometimes call Arwyn #2, but rarely in front of Leia, and she figures out that it's appropriate, not to mention hilarious, to put these two things together??  Come on, she is just too much!

We finally finished moving Leia into her new bedroom up on the second floor.  We had just finished making this into a nursery for Arwyn, but had to have Leia sleep there for a few days while we painted her room.  She decided she liked it better and wanted to stay.  It took a little work to make her understand that she couldn't have both rooms and if she moved then that meant she had to "give" her old room to Arwyn, but now that she made the choice, Josh went to town making it look so cool and fun for a little girl, and she is all in.  Just took a few times where she didn't understand why Arwyn was now napping in "her" room to convince her that it wasn't hers anymore.  This was also her last week of her summer singing class to which her Nana has been taking her.  Both of them definitely had a lot of fun with Teacher Brooke, and even though she apparently didn't sing too much during the actual class, she's been singing all the songs she learned non-stop at home, so clearly it made a big impression on her.

Leia has also been talking up a storm this week.  She goes off on these crazy chat session both at home and with her teachers at excited to talk about all the stuff that she's been doing.  It's also funny when I've been playing with her because she likes to say "Ok guys, now we're going to do...", and more "Ok guys, Ok guys."  Cracks me up.  All the babies and I (us guys) are ready to do whatever she wants!  Another impressive thing is how she now knows ever single line in the movie Frozen by heart.  She says all the lines before the characters do as we watch it, as well as reciting stuff when we aren't.  Plus she can sing every song by heart and in tune, which makes Josh so proud.  It's really cute, except for the fact that it means that we let her watch it way too much...being a parent of two is really hard, turns out you allow things you never thought you would just because you need a break!  Oh well, we're figuring it all out.

Arwyn is getting way more grabby and huggy.  She actually kind of hangs on to you now when you have her against your chest, and she loves to grab my shirt or bra or fingers.  So fun!  And she's started to smile way more socially these days.  It's the best feeling to smile at your new baby and actually have them smile back at you and see that they are enjoying something!  She's definitely a very expressive baby; I especially love when she looks at you and raises her eyebrows.  So cute.

"I want to hold Arwyn!"

"One wrong move Big Sister and I'll knock your lights out!" 

Smashing me with your monkey is on the verge of one of those wrong moves i was talking about!

Ok, now we're all happy!

As Leia says: "Ah, she's looking at me!"

Nice hair Daddy!

Cutest little monkeys ever!

Leia loves playing with her cousin Emmett, but she's just counting the days until he's better at playing back!

Yep, figuring each other out.

Love my Ergo so that I can look down and see this all the time!

Tummy time!

I see that little smile!

This little cutie just loves her bright colors!

Hey there little toes!

Arwyn's first tea party!

"Arwyn wants tea!"  I don't know Leia, but I actually don't think she does.


Nothing better than a good play session at the park, but Leia also loves to just sit on a bench with a snack and people watch!  I guess a trip to a Parisian sidewalk cafe may be in order soon...

Don't mind us, just riding dinosaurs!

Arwyn's toddler fan club!

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