Thursday, August 28, 2014

Leia's First Christmas Movie

Leia turned 6 months old this Christmas, and while she loved all the people and the parties, she didn't really have any concept about the actual holiday itself.  But of course, her first Christmas is still considered special and has to be documented.  I don't know if it will be next year or the one after, but I think that the first Christmas that she actually understands will be more fun!  Anyway, here's some cute footage of her opening all her presents.  She didn't know about opening or ripping paper, but she did really like playing with the already torn paper and ribbons!

Leia's Bike Madness Movie

We had a very dry and mellow winter this year, so Leia, Josh, and I spent a lot of time on bikes.  Leia loved the speed and the wind in her face, as well as the great views from high up on Dad's chest.  Here is some GoPro footage from one of our great rides.

Leia The Crawling Machine Movie

Leia learned to crawl right around 6.5 months old.  It did not take her too long to get the hang of it, and once she did, she was unstoppable…flying around around the house at very high speeds all the time.  In the middle of this time period, it became clear that she was ready to start walking, but being the busy bee that she is, she decided to stay with the crawling thing a little bit longer because it was so much faster.  She would stand up, think about taking a step or two and then realize she didn't want to wait that long to get from A to B, drop to the ground and zoom away.  Here is a little video documenting her crawling phase from 6 months to 11 months, when she did finally decide she was ready to commit to the whole walking thing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Leia Week 58: First Home Haircut - 8/7/2014

Leia had her first home haircut this week. Her hair has been growing like crazy, and I got so sick of the weird little crimp that kept forming when we brushed it out of her eyes. I finally just pulled out some scissors and took matter into my own hands. Turns out cutting a baby's hair is a lot harder than cutting your own...they wiggle all over the place and you don't want to poke their eyes out so it's difficult to tell if you are lined up straight! Long story short, it turned out just fine, she looks super cute and freshened up, but I'll probably leave it the professionals next time. 

Showing off another new dress from Gram Gram while rearranging my Tupperware drawer for the hundredth time.

You've heard of butt dialing, but how about foot dialing?

She loves to be in charge of the remote (good thing she doesn't yet know that it's no good when the TV is off)!

The remote also doubles as a telephone...anybody there? (PS. This picture and all the others above were pre-haircut.)

Climbing back and forth through the Mama tunnel is always a fun time!

Carrot pancakes with salted yogurt and Eggplant Parmesan Stacks.

The boat princess seeing to her flag duties.

Getting silly with Jody's visor...she's definitely figuring out how to wear things by herself!

#1 boater right here! She is such a good sport about being dragged out with us every morning!

Riding a wild giraffe and showing off her cut new haircut!

Oops, did you get a flat? Better fix it!

All smiles and having fun in the sun!

A whole park to enjoy, but all she wanted to do was repair this broken faucet...she must take after her Mom!

Who knew playing in a broken sink could be so fun!

Checking out all the different kinds of rocks.

Diaper free times are so fun for Leia and so scary for us!

Not one to sit still for long!

Organizing the family movie collection.

I just love that bashful pose!

Saddled up at the bar with Dad after another exciting day at Camp Matthews.

Boating is currently Leia's favorite Camp Matthews activity.

Loving these great veggie box meals with another fabulous bottle of Benziger wine.

Leia Week 57: The Toddler Emerges - 7/31/2014

I didn't realize that it could possibly happen so fast, but over night it seems my sweet little baby has turned into a difficult toddler. In other words, the tantrums have started! All of a sudden she wants everything in sight, and if she doesn't get it, she freaks. But the worst was the weaning process: complete and total meltdown because MaMa would only give her a bottle and not the breast! So now we are reading parenting websites like crazy, trying to figure out how to head off these meltdowns...we'll let you know how it turns out...  On the flip side, when she's happy, she so fun and funny to be around. She had her first time playing in the sprinklers, which she sort of hot into by accident, and it absolutely blew her mind! We've also been experimenting with more foods, which she seems to like if you get her in the right mood, but it's still anyone's guess about what she'll actually end up eating on any given day. She seems to know exactly what she wants and when she wants it, and don't try to convince her otherwise!

Dad was very excited to see that she grew into her Yankees suit...very light, airy, and great for summer!

Little sweetie!

Turn the sprinklers back on please!

Happy girl and a fun day in the yard.

Checking out the flying water.

Wet and cool on a hot day...I think I like this!

Insisted on eating a messy enchilada casserole by hand, but she sure did love it and couldn't get enough!

New favorite game: walking around the house with a bag and filling it with all sorts of stuff!

Checking out her super cool birthday present from Georgia and Gina...

Is this for real, Star Wars Vans? Checking out the tag for positive verification!

Yep, very cool and test drive approved!

She decided to try out her swing again for old time sake.

Hi Mama, remember when I was so small I fit in here?

Beet salad, corn fritters, and Benziger wine...yum!

Battle negotiations...she didn't get about 5 other things that she wanted, but I gave her a whole pear for the first time.

She definitely had fun figuring out how to eat this...she chose to start at the top (similar to her bananas), which worked ok, but then she tried to eat the stem!

Pretty proud of herself I'd say!

When your new work station is in a trailer instead of the middle of a windowless hospital, it's kind of nice to keep the doors open!

Our little Ferris Bueller chatting up a storm and planning her next scheme!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Leia Week 56: Mom's Funeral - 7/24/2014

We headed down for our final trip to Fairfield for Mom's (aka Mary Anne, aka Grandma) funeral. It was a nice gathering, with just family and a few close friends, and everyone shared many great stories and memories of her. Leia was as well behaved as possible, but she had no interest in sitting still and listening to people talk. Instead, she spent most of the time exploring the place on foot with me in tow. Unfortunately Leia won't remember Mom, but at least Mom got to know Leia, and I know that made her very happy. I love you Mom, and I will always remember you and all the good times we had over the last 36 years!

Josh and Leia opted for a scooter ride to the service rather than a long walk on crutches!

Always feel lucky to get a visit with Aunt Lucy!

Chillin with Dad and checking out the scene.

Sporting her new stylie outfit from Aunt Joanne!

Admiring Stacia's belly.


Nice smiles for me and Leia!

Jousting practice with Dad's crutch!

Our little fashionista learning to tie her own scarfs!

How cute is that?!

Whoa Leia, for your first earrings, don't you think those are a little big?!

More practice putting on her sweatshirt and hat...or is it peek-a-boo?

I see you!

Perfect fit and a good laugh!

Where'd she go?

There she is!

Another delicious Bon Appetite date night with our last bottle of wedding wine.

Crazy kid playing in the bath!

She just loves putting things on her head these days!

Happy babies are so much fun!