Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Arwyn Week 16: Baby Bubbles - 10/8/2015

Arwyn had her first full night downstairs in her bedroom this week!  I was kind of being lazy and continuing to bring her up with me when she woke at 10pm-ish, but all of a sudden, she slept so long, all the way until 2am or something, so rather than stimulating her more by going upstairs, I just kept her down.  It's nice when they make these graduations on their own and you don't have to make difficult decisions yourself.  She likes to blow lots of little bubbles with the spit in her mouth, so this week's little nickname is "Bubbles."  And she is impressively adept at making these loud clicking sounds with her tongue, so funny!

Leia has taking a hiatus from potty training, but this week, she had a full week of sitting on the potty first thing in the morning and pooping in the potty.  It was quite a celebration; she was very proud of herself, as were we.  We then had the satisfaction of sending the whole video to Uncle Cody and PopPop, who are both disgusted by the whole process of kids learning to poop and potty.  She's also continuing to make progress in the food arena: Josh made this really delicious stew that I knew she would like, but she kept being a turd and not trying it, without even giving it an investigation.  Well finally I pulled out a few carrots and showed her that they were in the stew and she paused, thought about it, got interested, and tried them.  Low and behold, she enjoyed the taste, and proceeded to chow down the rest of the bowl of stew!  I was so happy!  Leia's comic relief this week was when I had out the step stool to change light bulbs in the kitchen ceiling and she yells, "I do it, I'm taller!" Ok Leia, you do it!

Post-bath hair with no brushing...it's got some body!

Modeling the new belly dancing skirt from Nana and Poppy's trip to Greece and Turkey!

Look Mommy, Uncle Jesse helped me make a Pineapple Tree!

Got Popcorn Corn in our veggie box this week...pops right off the cob!

Little Red Riding Hood looks so cute in her lacy bonnet, although she wasn't any happier wearing it than Leia was 2 years ago!

Shoes over footie jammies, infant glasses...little weirdo!  But she is tall enough to push the stroller by herself!

So peaceful.

Look closely, these two are literally making the exact same face without even knowing it...definitely looks like her Daddy!

Turning on the monitor makes me smile.

Leia says, "Arwyn wants to wear these!"  Translation: Leia wants Arwyn to wear these.

Kick, kick, wiggle, wiggle.

Cute new jammies from Auntie Jen!


That was a little Beavis and Butthead trivia...anyone with me here?

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