Monday, October 26, 2015

Arwyn Week 15: Getting Rolly - 10/1/2015

Arwyn is getting more rolly this week.  She can go from her back to a little bit past her side, so a full roll may be soon.  She also likes to play peekaboo right those endless smiles!  She got back the better jumper, and man does she like to go crazy in it.  She doesn't get overstimulated in it, so she can stay in it quite awhile (so we have to be more vigil ourselves about limiting it), and she's figured out how to get fast and furious airtime.  Definitely a natural, and very advanced!

Leia has been an amazing sleeper all summer.  When I was in charge of her morning routine, she always woke up before 7 am.  Now that Josh is in charge, she snoozes until 7:30, almost 8.  One day there was even a miraculous 9:45 sleep in!!  And then, when you go in her room to get her up and turn on the lights, she yells, "It's too sunny!"  Already like a teenager, so advanced!  She's also taken to saying, "Hayayula!" every time she does something she's happy about.  We were playing outside, and every time she found a special rock and put it on the table, she would yell "Hayayula" again.  So funny, especially considering that she has previously had trouble with 'L's' but in this case, she's pronouncing the 'L' but just in the wrong place!

Getting that head so high!

Chowing on her new favorite...pasta with pesto!

Cuddles with Biby are the best!

Little badass rocking Octoberfest in her new denim dress!

Master of the Corn Hole!

Big prizes for drinking a beer that's bigger than your body!

She is so fun when she's having fun!

Big E is walking these days!

Nice tongue buddy!

Family of fans!

Happy about the latest victory!

Go team!

The weather has been perfect all summer long, and then it gets cloudy the night of the Eclipse!

Couldn't see it at it's prime, but Josh got these cool shots a little later once the clouds dispersed.

Checking out the morning sky.

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

Leia always tried to snooge out of the bumbo, but Arwyn is more tolerant...this is the extent of her mini-snooging.

Holding herself up between my legs!

Did you see all my jumps Mom?!

I love how expressive she is with those eyebrows.

People are starting to say she looks like and mini me?

Check out the angles she's getting on this roll...over half way!

This smile just can't be beat!

Super Leia!

Daddy's getting to bust out his artistic talents more and more these days!

Leia wouldn't let him finish the book, but Arwyn was totally engrossed!

Daddy's little girl!

Love watching babies sleep!

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