Monday, October 19, 2015

Arwyn Week 12: Aquarium Bound - 9/10/2015

Arwyn started getting a little more fussy and squealy when she wakes up from sleeping.  She used to wake up quietly and just make sucking noises until I got her.  Guess she's starting to tell me she needs instant attention, although I thought I had been giving it to her.  When she is lying on her playmat, she loves playing with the hanging toys, and now she can even grab two different toys, one in each hand, at the same time!

Leia had her first bee sting this week!!  Oh, it was so awful!  We were at the park watching some soccer game, and there were a few bees loitering, but we were ignoring them and doing our thing.  Then all of a sudden, Leia starts screaming like I've never heard before, the sound of betrayal, shock, and pain all at once.  She had no idea what was wrong and why she hurt so much...innocence lost.  The stupid bee was stuck up her shorts.  I got him out, but then I still had to pull out the stinger from her leg.  We of course had walked to the park, so getting home wasn't instant, but it gave her time to calm down and reflect on it a bit.  And she decided that the best place to go was to MorMor's house, where she got tended to with Arnica and a popsicle!  She's pretty well scarred now by the incident.  Anytime we are outside and a bee (or any bug for that matter) is buzzing around her, she freaks out, and we pretty much have to go back inside.

Leia got peer pressured into eating some new food this week, which made me happy.  We went to lots of parties with lots of other kids, who were all eating the wares, so Leia did too.  She tried salmon and veggies at the Olcott's, and Sabrina the kid whisperer, got her to try hamburger!  And now she grabs a bag and says to us, "Have to go on my way," before marching out the door on a pretend trip.  It's quite hilarious!

We drove down to Carmel/Monterey this week to see Luby, Bob, and Joanne, as well as take Leia to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  It's a 5.5 hour drive, which we were not looking forward to, and now with two kids, it was even harder to pack and the car was bursting at the seams!  I had a brilliant idea to leave in the evening so that Leia would hopefully sleep in the car.  So we stopped just before bedtime to put on jammies and a night diaper, then we gave her milk and talked about "going to sleep in the car."  Well, even though she was surely exhausted, she had no desire to sleep in the car.  We finally put on her favorite music, hoping it would lull her to sleep.  Instead, she spent another hour and a half belting out all her favorite tunes at the top of her lungs.  Finally, almost 2 hours after her normal bedtime she fell asleep, and slept for all of 45 minutes of the drive!  Oh well.  She was a bit of pain in the butt for the first part when she wanted to get out of the car, but once she was just avoiding sleep, she was actually fine, just singing and cracking us up with hilarious comments.  The whole thing was quite comical.

Hanging out in her jumpy; she definitely digs it!

Kiss from the big sis!

Leia go to hang and watch a movie with a whole crew of kids.  5 year old Miren was so sweet and let Leia hold her doll when she was doing something else.

Dinner at the Leunigs and she found 2 of her favorite bags!  (Thank god she doesn't actually call them purses yet!!)

More new outfits from Grandma.

I'm a baby, hurray!

Loves those diaper changing smiles...hopefully they stick around the whole time!

Oh man, she's gotten ahold of me again!  Seriously, someone help me!

Daddy and his girls.

So coordinated that she can grab 2 toys at once!

The shirt should actually say "Patient Sister!"

Helping Daddy water.

Ok, I guess she wasn't too helpful...she actually passed out like that!

Sitting between 2 carseats trying to stop the screaming...yep, traveling is fun!

This one is actually a great traveler; loves to sleep in the car!

Whoa, look at the fish!!

So many cool things to see at the aquarium.

Feeding the fish!


Mostly slept through the aquarium, but she definitely liked the feeding part (baby Arwyn feeding that is)!

More cool jellyfish.

They are just so amazing!

Watching Darth Vader feed the fish!

Our little pearl!

Learning about kelp.

So many fun things to see, touch, and do at the aquarium!

Zonked!  (And this one never sleeps in a stroller!!)

Thanks for taking me to the aquarium, that was so fun!

Cute little shoes!

I just don't think she could be any cuter!

Mommy and Arwyn selfie!

Hi Aunt Lucy, I like you!

It's fun to hold this little cutie!

Arwyn was really happy just relaxing with her Aunt Joanne all weekend.

So fun to see our aunts and uncle; it's been way too long!

Cocktails by the Zen Pond, but the bugs were attacking Leia, so the net came out!

Everyone's ready for the first game of the season!

So fired up for the beautiful cakes and cookies!!  (Miraculously she didn't actually like any of it, so no fights about too much dessert here!)

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