Tuesday, April 12, 2016

PapPap and GiGi Memory from 2 Years Ago - 5/18/2014

I was going through all my pictures, and I found a bunch that Donna had sent me from their trip that never made it up on the blog because I had already made that at the time.  So I decided to post them now for a fun little flashback.  Leia was 10.5 months old, and PapPap and Gigi (aka, Grandpa Bill and Donna) came out to Tahoe for a fun little visit.  So funny to look back at Leia at 10 months old vs. Arwyn now at 10 months old.  Both are sweet, smiley, and funny, but definitely different personalities!

Me and my little munchkin!

Family photo!

GiGi and a wiggly worm!

Pink cheeks for both of us!

I had forgotten she had already figured out how to get on this bike!

Nice shot of Nana and Poppy.

Intent on her bottle, but still interested in checking out her PapPap.


Hello down below!

Always up for the Polar Bear Swim, even back at 10 months!

"Ha ha, honk your nose!"

"Look at me, crawling up the stairs!"

GiGi snuggles...looks a lot happier having her milk in hand.

Another family shot.

Playing innocent but looking guilty!

Ha ha, now she's busted!

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