Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Arwyn Week 42: Baby's Getting Busy - 4/7/2016

Arwyn got really busy all of a sudden this week.  No longer the quiet tinkerer, she's moving everywhere and getting into everything!  She found Leia's book shelf and loves pulling all the books off.  She also found the tupperware drawer, and loves emptying that as well.  I took her with me to get my hair cut because when I made the appointment, she was still happy to sit in one place and play  with her toys, but 5 days later, that was ancient history!  She sat in her seat for awhile, but then wanted free reign of the place, and managed to pull all the shampoo bottles off the sample shelf!  Luckily my awesome hairdresser said it was no problem, and luckily Leia decided to be helpful and responsible that day (showing off for Stephanie), so she helped watch Arwyn and made sure she didn't get into anything really bad.  Arwyn has also started handing us her toys.  She likes to give us stuff and have us give it right back.  She is doing lots of "talking" and producing many happy screams.  She likes to point her finger at people to get their attention, and I think she might be experimenting with the sign language for milk.  A couple times she was getting a little fussy and started doing that hand signal, so I fed her and all was better.  It could just be a coincidence, but I do show her that sign every time we feed and she's very smart, so who knows?  In summary, Arwyn is now demonstrating, both physically and verbally, that she too is a force to be reckoned with!

Leia has started to recognize quite often when she needs to use the potty, which is great, but she likes to wipe herself, which is not so great.  She still fights me when I try to make her use the potty (like before TV and car rides), but I've been sticking to my guns and winning the battles (she usually really wants to watch TV or go places, so she has to give in eventually) and she always has pee, much to my satisfaction.  She's been really sweet this week about sharing her treasures with all of us, Arwyn included.  The other day she gave me her favorite necklace and rock to put in my pocket and take to work ("keep it safe and warm in your pocket all day Mommy!"), and she's been letting Arwyn play with her favorite teddy bears and stuff.  It's very cute.  She also came home and told us about her teacher, "Jackie is my girlie!"  Too funny!

She loves pulling on, shaking, and rubbing all that great hair!

Apparently smashing your cheek with a golf ball feels good!

On the move!

Loves giving me stuff..."Here Mommy, it's for you!"

Always so happy!

Had to get a little trim...hair was getting a little straggly and in her eyes.

Just chillin' with her buddy Audra at school.

Morning bed snuggles with your sister are the best!

These two are so silly!

Always watching and learning from her big sis.

Leia is so sweet and affectionate with her little sis.

Ahhhhh, sneak attack, got you!

Uh oh, getting too tall and too resourceful...about to lose our top shelf out of reach safety zone!

Arwyn decided to help rearrange the beauty products...she's got a thing for proper organization!

I really hope they make each other smile like this forever!

Bathing cutie!

Learning the art of passing out in crazy positions on top of all her toys!

Woohoo, wagon ride to Nana'a!

Arwyn was so fired up not to be strapped down for this mode of transportation!

Yep, she's that kid they yell at at the amusement park: "Stay seated Arwyn, and keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times!"

Leia taking charge and getting Arwyn down on her butt...

Not for long, she's back at the helm!

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