Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Arwyn Week 41: Arwyn's First Easter Hunt - 3/31/2016

Arwyn had a really fun hot tub session this week.  She really loves floating, kicking, splashing, and playing with her sister Leia.  She's very calm, cool, and collected in the water.  She also had a really fun time at the Easter party.  It was pretty much her first time sitting out on the lawn and exploring nature on her own hands and knees.  You could tell she just loved it all: being outdoors, crawling around on the grass, and eating pine cones and pine needles.  Arwyn is definitely going through a little Mommy neediness stage these days, but it's funny how easily she can be appeased.  She sees me, gets a huge smile on her face, a look of longing in her eyes, and fusses (just a little) until she's in my arms.  But then, as long as I give her a little quality time, she's happy as a clam to be put back down to go about her business again.

Leia also had a great Easter.  Just like last year, she is a total eagle eye pro at egg hunting.  She really didn't need too much help, she saw those hidden eggs like it was her job.  Also like last year she was a little greedy, "I need more eggs!" but it just helped her hunting.  It was a nice day, but definitely pretty chilly (all the adults were in jackets), but Leia insisted on spending the entire afternoon outside in nothing but her sundress and never made a single comment about being cold...crazy kid!  Our new neighbors also joined the party this year, so Leia got to play and egg hunt with her friend Echo.  The two of them had a blast running around the yard, scrambling for eggs, and jumping and laughing on the trampoline together.  It is so fun for me to watch her having fun with other little kids her own age.  It was funny because, even though Leia was a little greedy, she only took the eggs that had her name, Arwyn's name, or no name, and she put back everything else, while alerting the proper owner to it's whereabouts.  I tried to get her to put back Arwyn's eggs so I could take pictures of Arwyn finding some, but Leia would have nothing to do with that.  She always knows exactly what is hers and what is Arwyn's, but she likes to control it all and be in charge of doling it out to Arwyn as it suits her.  On the discipline front, I decided to build on my new found success by nipping her bedtime stallings in the bud.  She's mostly pretty good about going to bed, but she always stalls at the end by saying "I need something!" and expects you to find something cool in her room for her to take to sleep.  I am not as good as Josh at this game; she never wants what I pick, so it takes forever and is really annoying.  I decided to have her pick out her own "somethings," and put the responsibility on her.  It worked a few times, but then she decided she still wants more that I pick.  I guess I'll have to keep trying!  We also got a really funny video of her singing a bedtime lullaby to Josh (another Leia original lyrical masterpiece), and as she sings, she goes through the whole routine that we do when we put her to bed (turning on the humidifier, picking up clothes, and closing closet doors, etc).  It is really quite entertaining; she's such an actress with a great imagination!

Bathing beauties!

Riding the Daddy train!

Water snuggles!

Finally got back to our delicious and creative Bon Appetit dinners, but three 9pm meals later, we're not too sure we're really up to the challenge!?

First egg in the basket...the hunt is on!

Echo was fired up to find her first egg!

Beautiful egg, and a very good find Echo!

A good hunter is always scanning her periphery!

This was Emmett's first Lange/Hagar Egg Hunt too.

Arwyn decided to stick to spectating this year...looks like she found the best seat in the house!

Her basket is already full and we've only just begun...that actually made her want to smile for the camera!

Still a little snow in play this year!

These two little cuties were thick as thieves...and as I know first hand, there's nothing better than a friend who lives right next door!

Arwyn finally got to find her first egg!

And her first pink bunny, which of course was traded with Leia for the yellow one instead!

Big sister trying to pass along some valuable hunting skills.

"Hey, check me out, I found one with my name on it!"

Looks like Cooper just found a new best friend to throw his nasty ball for him!

All the love just melts my heart!

When love starts bordering on a choke hold...

Snack time with the girls!

Pine cones are Arwyn's new favorite delicacy!

"Fun people over yonder...here I come!"

Yep, she's definitely on the move these days!

Match made in heaven...Arwyn gets to practice her new handoff skills, Cooper gets someone to play ball with!

She absolutely loves rubbing her hair on things!

Can you tell how much fun she's having playing outside in the grass with all her favorite people?

Fun little grin!

Password = Leia

"Hey, what happened to all those yummy looking little rocks that Leia left here earlier??"

"Oh yeah, I'm good, I can stand on anything these days!"

Still has the softest cheeks in the whole wide world...just want to kiss them all day!

Lunch time!

Arwyn's first Cheerios!

Hmm...crunchy...good flavor...yeah, I think I dig these little things!

Yep, everyone loves Cheerios!

I wish I could still sit on my knees like that!

Definitely a future super star...just hanging out at home in her hot spandex pants with matching hat, glittery sweater, and black pearls...hey, you never know when the paparazzi will show up so you must always be looking your best!

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