Monday, February 16, 2015

Leia Week 83: Fun in the Winter Sun - 1/28/2015

Life in the world of Leia is pretty darn good these days.  She's so much fun to play with because whatever she's doing in the moment is the best thing in the world.  And my nausea has finally let up a little bit during the daytime (still comes back with a vengeance every afternoon and evening), so I'm finding that playing with her is no longer so painful to endure and actually quite entertaining (nothing she is doing has really changed, I just don't feel quite so much like death so I'm not always wishing to be in bed instead of whatever else we are doing!).  Also, school is back to being so much fun.  She's back to not crying when I drop her off.  In fact, as soon as we walk in the door and she see's some cool activity that is going on, she forgets about me instantly and I can barely get a kiss goodbye!  Her teacher Jenny is like a god, and is teaching her so many amazing things...apparently she's learning to use scissors and glue!!??  And Joe, she can't get enough of Joe.  He's not even her regular teacher, but he comes in all the time to do guitar and music, and according to Leia he's pretty awesome!

It's been really warm and sunny, and there is literally no snow left anywhere in the neighborhood, so we've had a lot of fun playing outside.  Our neighbor Mor Mor (aka Linda) showed her how to walk across the creek on the bridge, and where the beaver chewed down the Aspen tree...she loved it all.  And we had another ski day, but Nana and Poppy couldn't make it, so she didn't enjoy it as much as last time.  She kept looking all around the hill for them, pointing at people hoping each one was "Poppy."  In the end we cut the trip short so she wouldn't get a bad association with skiing, we want her to be happy and enjoy it.  No need to force anything. 

Just hanging and snacking on some Puffs.

Likes sunscreen these days, but only if I let her help apply it too.

Psyched about her new snowsuit from one of Josh's athletes...Thank you!

Bit of a tight fit, but Leia doesn't mind!

Such a sweet little face! (And thank you Aunt Joanne for the cute shirt!)

Time for Golf practice!

This is why TV is not normally allowed...can you see the extreme concentration?!

Fun on the slide all winter long!

When you don't have snow, sledding requires a really good imagination!

Nature hike!

Hydrating before a big day on the slopes.

Love these two cuties!

Heading up the Magic Carpet...she's quite the expert now!

Yeah, I've had enough skiing for today, can we go check out the Après now?

She loves reading her books so much she fell asleep with one on her face!

Lovely day for a stroll with the baby.

It's very important that baby gets properly swaddled in her favorite PJ's!

Blast off space saucer!

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