Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Leia Week 82: Ski Day with Nana and Poppy - 1/21/2015

Nanna and Poppy joined us on the slopes this week, and boy did that make Leia's day!  The only problem was that she loved watching them more than watching where she was going, so if they didn't stay in front, she spent a lot of time looking back up the hill.  We also took a few runs on the really big part of the mountain...Far East!  Talk about a big day for Leia.

Leia is also really into the moon right now.  She loves to see the moon, point out the moon (both in the sky and anytime she see's it on a page of a book), draw the moon, and say the word "moon".  And the way she says the word is so cute, but I'm still trying to figure out how to spell her version phonetically so that other's will understand.  The best Josh can come up with is "meun" or "mön", but these may not be right, so I'll just have to try to get it on video soon.  She's always trying to find it in the day time, and I feel bad telling her that she'll have to wait until nighttime to see the moon, but then she goes and makes me a lier by finding the moon right there in the daytime sky.  I'm always so amazed! Another cute word she uses these days is "mikos" for mittens.  I love it so much that sometimes I use it too rather than correcting her.  And "airplane".  He senses are so keen she can hear and spot airplanes before anyone else.  Josh and I are constantly amazed.  A distant rumbling sound will happen, and before we even realize it, she's shouting airplane, pointing to the sky, and locating it instantly.  So advanced!

Helping to assemble the new doll-size pack-n-play.

Look guys, I found peas in my shopping cart!

Testing out the toy bed...should fit baby sister just fine!

Dinner at Nana'a.

Loving all the extra privileges at Nana and Poppy's...like sitting up on the high stool!

Helping Nana tear lettuce for the salad.

Supposedly this kid is always smiling, but seems like he's always so serious when we are around!

Leia showing her cousin how properly utilize all the features of the jumper.

Cutie pie Emmett chillin in his jumper.

Love how sweet they look when they sleep!

For ski day #3, Dad was working on having her stand up alone.

Riding the magic carpet with Nana and Poppy!

It's fun to ski with Mommy too!

Riding up the big girl chair!

Skiing is just the best!

More fun chair rides.

Uh oh, lost a ski off the lift!

She loved the off piste adventure of retrieving the dropped ski!

Gliding on her own!

More solo sliding...she has such great balance and is not afraid!

Navigating the lift line with Daddy.

Chair rides with Poppy are fun...especially when Mom is there to make sure Poppy doesn't throw anyone off!

Going down the steeps!

Hey Nana, check me out!

Hi Poppy, look over here!

Little speedy!

Definitely a fun treat to have Nana and Poppy out with us today.

Whoa, look who was ready to head up Far East to the big mountain!

Ready to head down Red Dog Face...talk about big time!

Navigating down Champs Elysee...Leia is getting a taste of our normal stomping grounds.

She even got a little glimpse of Oly Lady...she'll be up there soon!

Family selfie on the 6 pack lift!

Ready to head home after a great afternoon on the slopes!

Out for a little walk with Mom.

We found an appropriate sized shovel, so next time it snows, I think we'll have a good helper.

Very intent on moving snow from the ground into the big shovel for further disposal.

All our friends feel the need to wear their down sweaters in our house when they come over, but this girl prefers to wear nothing but boots!  Not phased.  I think we have a Polar Bear Champion in the making!

Pretty rainbow over the mountain as seen from the top of Josh's course.

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