Sunday, December 29, 2013

Leia The Movie Star

So I've held off on posting any of the video footage that we've taken of Leia over the last 6 months in the hopes of creating an edited movie that might be more interesting to watch.  It was a lot harder than I thought and took a long time, but I have finally persevered!  This first movie has footage from when Princess Zelda Sopritti Transue was still in utero and kicking through her birth and transformation into Princess Leia Marian Transue.  Of course there is still a lot of more current footage you all will want to see, but you'll have to stay tuned for our next production!  For now, please enjoy the show:

The Princess Is Born - Zelda to Leia

**Use this version for home computers:

The Princess Is Born-Zelda to Leia HR from Katharine Transue on Vimeo.

**Use this version for cell phones:

The Princess Is Born - Zelda to Leia from Katharine Transue on Vimeo.

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