Monday, May 21, 2018

L&A Years 4&2 Week 45: Arwyn the Night Crawler - 5/3/2018

Arwyn has been sleeping in a tent in her room almost every night since the big outdoor tent incident last week.  She fell off the cushion the first night, and when I went in in the morning, I couldn't even find her!  It was pretty funny.  Another night she woke us up in the middle of the night crying incessantly, and when Josh finally investigated, he found her several feet away from the tent with her head under the armoire, totally stuck!  How in the heck did she get there!?!  Another night he found in a few feet away in the other direction.  Clearly she needs some more practice before we can put her in a real bed without sides!  Josh and I finally had a little date night, and the girls slept at Nana and Poppy's.  Arwyn apparently woke up in the middle of the night, and ended up having to sleep in bed the rest of the night with Nana and Poppy.  Luckily she usually does go back to sleep in those types of circumstances.  Arwyn graduated to Guppy Grad at her swim lessons, which I was really happy about because now their lessons will be back to back instead of an hour apart!  Arwyn still loves to point out when she's cooperating and Leia isn't.  Arwyn is starting to get out of bed by herself in the morning.  It's so cute because she knows she's supposed to stay in bed until we come get her, but she opens her door a crack and peeks out to see what we're all doing.  Arwyn loves to do ballet dances these days.  She wants to come home and put her leotard on every night, and she's very graceful with her pointed toes and rhythm.  It's totally amazing since she's never taken any ballet or dance classes other than her lessons from Teacher Leia.  She loves to just move her body, and I'm constantly catching her just doing little dances as she's standing there talking to you.  She's really into reading books to me these days.  It's funny because she says she wants me to read, but when we sit down, she insists on doing her version of reading to me.  Arwyn and Leia were both decided that they are ready to be on my and Josh's "meal plan" (aka, Arbonne's 30-Days to Healthy Living), and they are ready to try new foods.  So one night we made fajitas, and Arwyn was totally excited about it until she actually saw what it looked like.  Then she burst out, "That's not my meal plan!"  It was so funny!  But then she tried it anyway, and totally loved it, and gave it both a high five and a thumbs up.  Yum!

Leia announced this week that "I'm going to go back to being the new nice Leia again."  Well hallelujah!  But then we still had some problems.  I guess that's just the way it goes when you have a Jeckel and Hyde situation.  One morning she told me she had to pay her teacher Lynsey since she didn't take a nap they day before, and proceeded to head off to school with a bag full of change for her.  And she's back to her famous quote, "I do it maself!" about everything.  She gets very mean and angry when you tell her she can't do what she wants.  I told her not to walk through the creek, but she did it anyway.  So then I just let her glue sequins to her dress because it didn't seem worth the fight and I figured it was washable glue anyway.  I need to keep reminding myself that if there really isn't a dangerous or life threatening reason not to do something, I just need to let it go!    She needs more of the natural consequences for her actions rather than consequences from me.  But the problem is the mess that creates for the other night when she wanted to make paint footprints on paper while inside the house (rather than on the deck).  She promised to clean up, but the mess was too big for her skill level!  More work for me even if she does help.  New Leia did say that she wanted to start trying more new dinners, and even said yes to the fajitas we made, but ended up totally tweaking when she saw them, turning right back into old Leia.  Finally got her to try it, and like Arwyn, thought it was totally delicious and asked for more the next night!  Wish we didn't have to have the accompanying drama every time!

Nightly ballet show.

Arwyn has been loving to put on Ballet Performances for us.  She's so graceful!

Don't you just love that cute little face!

Arwyn is so mellow and comfortable in the water, and she loves her swim classes.  So excited every day both before and after class!

Love my girls!

The longer distances are proving to be quite a challenge for little miss Leia, but she is totally determined to conquer it.  Such heart and stamina, this girl will persevere!

Luckily they make lockers so that you can get out from the inside these days...both of them asked to be shut inside, but then Arwyn kinda tweaked.  Not we need to worry??

My little it when they actually help carry stuff!

Learning that it's not a good idea to tell Leia NOT to do something, that's just an invitation for her to try it!  I lost on the creek walking, and realized that it wasn't actually such a big deal, so...

...I kept my mouth shut when she asked to glue sequins to her clothes...after all, it's washable glue, right?!

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go!  Of course Leia is looking absolutely ridiculous, per usual!

Annual replacement of the bridge across the creek.

It's so big and heavy, even for these four men...hard to believe it always gets washed away!

Josh and Leia...definitely related!

Leia and Josh...she's got her daddy's smile!

One of my new favorite recipes: Southwest spaghetti squash.  And yes, it's on our Arbonne Meal Plan!

Nana found my old sandals and gave them to Arwyn.  She was so psyched!

Stayed on the bed tonight...barely!

Always so pissed that we make her wear a diaper at night.  The compromise is underwear on top, of course.

Not to psyched to be pushed by sister today, but Leia was insisting.

Happy now that Leia's not touching her!

After 2 months of discussion about what is and isn't on our meal plan, the girls have decided they want to be on our meal plan.  So we served them some of these delicious fajitas for the first time...

On initial inspection, Arwyn was regretting her decision: "No, this is not on my meal plan!!"

But after her first taste, she was back on board, giving it a high five and a thumbs up!

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