Monday, May 15, 2017

Arwyn Week 98: Arwyn the Mini Ski Racer - 5/4/2017

Arwyn seems to be officially weaned of breast feeding, which is both very sad and somewhat of a relief.  She had a tantrum every morning for about a week when I wouldn't let her breastfeed, but each day she got past it a little more quickly, and by this second week she really wasn't fussing much at all.  She's still angry and tantruming about life, which may be related to a lack of breastmilk, but it's no longer linked to a direct denial.  I've been offering her a bottle of milk when she asks for "ma-tee" in the mornings, but she's decided that what she really wants if she can't have breastmilk is cereal.  If she still has days where she asks for ma-tee and I say no, she will start to get fired up a little, but then decides "I want ce-yol" instead, and calms herself back down.  Also, now that she's not breastfeeding and giving me little massages, she's switched to reaching down the back of my shirt and giving me nice little back rubs...score!  Another by-product of the weaning is that she is starting to love her Daddy much more, and has started being more of a barnacle to him instead of me!  He's happy to no longer get rejected, and I'm happy for a little respite, so it's a win-win.  The other morning Arwyn woke up at 4 am screaming (so probably a night terror), but she didn't seem to be able to get herself back to sleep, so after awhile I went to get her.  I was hoping she would fall back asleep with Daddy since I was going to have to get up really soon, but she didn't like that idea.  Instead, the three of us spent the next 45 minutes lying quietly in bed while she was delicately tracing her fingers around both my and Josh's faces.  She's such a little cuddly lover!  We tried again unsuccessfully to get Arwyn to ride her kick bike, but after dragging the thing all the way to Nana's while she walked next to it, she saw the extra bike like Leia's and decided that's what she wanted to ride.  Her legs are too short to pedal, and when she rests her feet on the pedals she lightly rubs the brakes the whole time, but we attached the leash to it and we are able to pull her around, so she loves it.  I think it's official, she's claimed that little pink bike as hers.  Now we just need to figure out how to pad the pedals to she can reach better.  We had another fun family ski day, and Arwyn actually lasted through the morning without having a tantrum.  She even skied on the steeper part by herself for a little bit.  And for the times she was between my legs, I got her turning and saying "I made turn!"  It was a good morning.  We had a fun play date over at Audra's house this week.  The girls all had fun, and there we no major battles.  Arwyn is starting to enjoy being in her bed more these days.  In the mornings she will wake up and cry out, but then she starts playing with toys and fiddling around in her bed, and next thing you know she falls back asleep.  The other day she even played quietly in bed for an entire hour after waking up from a 2 hour nap.  It was incredible!  As her language continues to develop, she's already starting to say "jacket" instead of her word "ja-chey," which is sad because I thought it was so cute.

Leia is starting to realize that she can get some special Leia-Mommy snuggle time without Arwyn getting in the way if she just crawls in bed with me in the morning and lets me rest longer.  Hallelujah!  The other day she was so funny because she hopped under the covers freezing, and tucked her little feet under me, saying I was like a "Mommy Campfire" to warm them up.  So advanced with her similes!  Leia always comes up with the most ridiculous excuses for why she needs to do something that I don't particularly like, and some circumstances, Josh likes to reward her for her creativity and "logic."  So the other night she told me that she needed to wear night shoes to bed in case the yetis spill water and steps in it while trying to escape, and that way she won't  get her socks wet.  It was totally a valid statement, considering the yetis were right outside trying to get her, so I had to relent.  Leia and Arwyn both helped me make some Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub to give to all their teachers, along with nice hand written thank you notes on some of their artwork.  When we went to hand everything out, Leia was so proud to be able to give everyone such nice little presents, and she learned the explanation about the product from what I was saying very quickly.  Everyone was so touched, and they loved getting it right from Leia herself.  It was a fun exercise for us, besides the fact the the stuff was edible and made of a lot of sugar...we had more than one fight about how much she could eat!  When we had our play date with Audra, Leia of course made it a little difficult by wanting to be in different places, doing different things from the other two girls.  Both girls wanted me to be where each of them was, and I couldn't be in two places at once, ahhh!  Luckily Megan finally distracted Leia by letting her hold Harkin, which made her so happy!

Good Morning Sister Hugs!

Password = Arwyn

Apparently getting scared is really, really funny, and Arwyn wants to do it more, more, more!  Love the sign language and spoken language combo.

Date night dinner: Ahi Tuna with Mango Salsa and Signaterra Chardonnay.

Play date with Audra...Arwyn always like an opportunity to cook me something delicious in a new kitchen!

Audra Hugs!

It's nice to snuggle with a real live baby!

So happy to be entrusted with little Harkin!

So responsible and proud!

Of course these little goons picked the sketchiest spot to play...playing balance beam on a 4 foot high wall!

Each one has her own special perch in Dad's lap.

Daddy has a new little barnacle.

Crab cakes and our new Wrath Rosé of Pinot, yum!!

Arwyn's first run in Josh's vintage Ski Racer Sweater...she wore it well!

My fun little crew heading up the Funitel.

Cutest little ski racer ever!

Leia working on drills with Coach Dad.

Family ski days are the best.

It was steep and fast.  Arwyn was flying!

Password = Arwyn

One minute she only wants to be held, the next minute she doesn't want you to touch her.  Here she was doing just fine going fast and straight, until she realized the Magic Leash was holding her back.  Trying to get it off hung her up a bit, then splat!  After that it was back to being held.

A little crash and burn, but this tough little kid just brushed it right off and went back for more!

Password = Leia

Leia's got the regular skiing thing down, so now she's moved on to Dancing Skiing!

Getting some great tips from Coach Daddy.

Password = Arwyn

Even if Arwyn doesn't want to ski by herself, catching Mommy is generally good motivation to try!

Miss Rainbow Bright was a feeling a little blue today, wanting to be held and coddled like her little sister.

Headed back to the locker, carrying her own skis, even after an exhausting morning of skiing.

Password = Arwyn

Despite the fact that she's often to tired to ski by the time we actually hit the slopes, Arwyn loves everything about skiing, especially all the skiing accessories (like the helmet, goggles, boots, and especially the skis).  She always tries to be so independent and carry her own gear!

Tough guys charging with their wagon!

First time relaxing in the sun and doing a little Après all year!

The girls liked getting treats and hanging at the Chammy...maybe be can do it again!

Daddy the Human See-Saw...ouch!

Now she's just getting goofy!

Fun with streamers!

Password = Leia

Even having never seen the sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Leia discovers the beauty and pleasure of creating those types of moves all on her own!

Password = Leia

There's something kind of awesome about being the first across the finish line and breaking the rope with your chest, even if you were just racing yourself!

Arwyn's bike chauffeur.

She's so happy to finally have a bike that she likes to ride!

And Leia is finally getting good at pedaling hard and fast, and stopping.

Leia wanted Cooper to spend the night tonight.  She made him a very nice bed, give him toys and blankets, and even spoon fed him water.  Nothing but the best for our little Coop!

Coop wasn't quite sure what to do about all the attention, he missed his Mom and Dad!

Monkey got a new outfit!

Looks like Arwyn is learning from her big sister about the whole hairdresser thing!

The snow is finally melting; time to play out back again!

Today Leia wanted us to dress up like cowboys.  And in case you didn't know, that's a cowboy vest, a cowboy skirt, and a cowboy necklace, in addition to the traditional boots and hat.

She always picks the treacherous high heeled boots to wear!

Ready to ski!

The creeks are raging everywhere!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn has always loved her scooter, and now she's figured out how to self-propel, as well as turn around!  There's no stopping her now!

A little family time, getting some chores done out on the deck.

I love when these two can share so well.

Between Daddy and these two, I think we would be winners at a family beard competition!

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