Thursday, May 4, 2017

Arwyn Week 97: Arwyn's Last Day of Ma-tee - 4/27/2017

Arwyn, poor little Arwyn, had her very last day of breast feeding this week (4/23/17 to be exact).  We were down to only once a day in the mornings, and it really wasn't a big deal, but she's almost two years old, so I guess it's time.  I told her on Sunday that it would be her last day of breastfeeding, and she was extra needy for it all day.  I kind of didn't think she'd have a concept of being cut off, but apparently she did!  She affectionately refers to it as "ma-tee," and when I've been trying to offer bottles instead of breastfeeding, oh man does she get pissed!  I didn't think this quitting process would be such a big deal because she's been so easy going about the weening down to one, but I guess that was before the terrible 2's!  Luckily Josh has been off work for the week, so he's had to get up and help every morning to deal with Arwyn's "ma-tee" tantrums so that I can actually get out the door to work!  But the good news is, she recovers from her tantrum faster and faster each day, so maybe it won't drag out too long after all.  Her new favorite thing is to eat cereal for breakfast everyday, and to tell us, "I ate my cereal."  She's just getting so much better at talking every day.  She's pretty much able to repeat almost anything you say, and her enunciation is getting so much clearer.  She still won't ride her kick bike, which is so frustrating because I know she'd love it if she would just try.  It's also baffling, because she's normally not afraid of anything.  Clearly she got some paranoia about that bike the day I assembled it for her.  She kept trying to climb on it when it didn't have wheels on right and I was still working on it, and she fell over.  I thought it would be fine when I had it all fixed up and sized for her, but she hasn't trusted it since!  Arwyn is so funny when she's trying to communicate with you.  She demands attention by literally grabbing your cheeks on each side and turning your face to look her in the eye.  She does this whether she's happy or screaming at you.  It's like a parent saying "look at my face when I'm talking to you!"  I had to bring in a baby sitter for a few hours this weekend because the kids have been so overwhelming for me that I just needed a break.  Plus, I had so much extra stuff that I really needed some time to take care of around the house.  Arwyn really likes the baby sitter, and was happy to play with her, but still wanted me around and wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to send them all out of the house on an adventure.  It worked out great for everyone!

I wanted to be able to say that Leia had a really good week, because it seemed like she wasn't as much trouble as usual, but that was totally not the case.  She was as big a pain as ever, but she just had a lot more cute stuff in between.  As I mentioned before, Daddy was gone for 4 days on a work trip, but let's be clear, he was down skiing at Mammoth, so as tough and lonely as it might have been, there were still no screaming children to deal with 24/7, so I might have said something of that nature in conversation to Leia and others.  So of course Leia the sponge picked right up on that, and when questioned about Daddy's whereabouts at some point, she quoted me to the tee while convincingly claiming it as her own funny, "Let's just call it a vacation!"  She also made us laugh when she accomplished some sort of feat that she was proud of and yelled out, "Nailed it!"  Another silly Leia quote of the week was, "Now, everyone say 'oooh la la, and I'll give a special treat!" And Arwyn, right on queue, manages to copy it: "oooh la la".  Arwyn imitates almost anything Leia does these days, at least when she's not totally pissed at her!  I took the girls to the Earth Day Festival at Squaw this weekend, and Leia had a blast.  She lead the way to collect schwag at every single booth, and made everyone we saw chuckle in the process with her ridiculous outfit and larger than life personality.  Leia has been begging for a babysitter just about every time I announce we are going to do something she doesn't want to do, so when I told her that a babysitter was coming (on her precious Mommy day), she kind of wanted to be pissed about it for a second, but then was so excited she could barely contain herself.  And thank goodness, Casey did not disappoint.  They had a great walk to the village and even got to drink some special juice with magic powers!  Leia has figured out how to pedal her bicycle, and can ride all the way to Poppy's house AND BACK!  It is like a total hallelujah  for us not to have to drag her bike all around, especially since we kind of have to for Arwyn now instead.  Leia had a lot of "hard days" this week, and made a lot of "bad decisions" because Mommy finally started enforcing some consequences and TV limits since she actually had a tiny bit more energy (which I think it was thanks to the thought of getting a little relief from the babysitter).  It's amazing what you can accomplish with your kids when you actually have a little energy!  We all know that Leia loves to eat her boogers, but she totally floored me with a new one this week.  After she was supposed to be asleep in bed she yells down to me, "Mommy, I have a booger stuck in my teeth!"  I figured it was just some leftover dinner, but after having to actually resort to floss to remove it, and inspecting it more closely, I did concur that it was a booger stuck in her teeth!  She apologized, but insisted she was just so hungry she couldn't help it!  If she wasn't so tall and heavy, she might actually have people convinced that we were starving the kid!  We've decided that in our household we are going to go medical for body part terms, rather than cutsie little names, so we do explain things when Leia asks about them.  This week she decided to ask Daddy, "Why do boy's have penises?"  Josh gave her some sort of satisfactory answer, but then she made up a new fantasy name, "Penisin" for another one of her elaborate stories.  Seriously, she is so ridiculous!  Finally, Leia has been infatuated with school buses since before she could talk.  One of the first things she liked to point out on our drive to school was the "scubas" (aka, school bus, not scuba diver), so when she got to take a tour of a real live yellow school bus with her class at school, oh man, was she ever excited!  It was really for the older kids who will go to kindergarten next year, but I figured it was a perfect adventure for Leia as well, so we went along.  She was of course super shy about it, but in the end, so excited that she finally got to go on a real yellow school bus.

This tree has been bent down at a 90 degree angle and buried under the snow all winter.  So cool to see it actually moving to a more vertical position as the sun returns to our world!

Arwyn loves her new Easter headband!

She even wore the headband to sleep all night long!

Little goof runs twice as fast when I tell her to hold still!

I'm a leopard, hear me roar!

Invisible face painting.

Neat art project of Leia's, making little earths for Earth Day.

Bubble beards!

They have officially gotten to a place where sometimes they can actually poor water on each others heads without always pissing the other one off!

Password = Leia

I caught Leia singing the National Anthem on the monitor as she was going to sleep the other night.  So impressive that she had the whole thing down.  I only got the very end where she changed the words a bit, but you can just recognize the tune...such a talented singer!

Arwyn decided her new Chef Hat from Aunt Joanne was the best hat to wear out for our walk today!

Running through the village hand in hand, laughing all the way!

Leia got herself quite a load of goodies at the Earth Day Festival.

Arwyn was really into the band and all the people watching opportunities.

We found our friend Audra, and she was very impressed with Leia's purse, not to mention her whole get-up.

Dancing up a storm on center stage!

Arwyn likes to boogie down!

Arwyn got a little possessive of her big sister's hands when someone else tried to break in!

Sister love!

These two just had the best time at this little festival!

Leia never brushes her hair, and rarely puts it up, but I just think she's so beautiful when she does.

Love that happy smile!

Password = Arwyn

Good thing it's spring because Arwyn's trying to help me by shoveling snow onto the driveway, rather than clearing it away!  Way to throw that snow Arwyn!

Bubbles!  Arwyn just can't get enough!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn does a perfect demonstration of how a little kid can put on her own jacket by flipping it over the head.  So cool!

Artistic Genius!

Wear the doll, Big Girl's, sweater.  Admittedly, it probably belonged to a human first, but she just loves to find funny new things to wear at Nana's house!

Cute as a button in Uncle John's funny old hat!

She's like an LA trend-setting superstar caught on camera leaving the gym or something!  So ridiculous!

Arwyn Transue, captain of the ship!

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Love that laugh!

Password = Leia

Leia had fun at her friend Mackenzie's birthday at KidZone.  They dressed up in Medieval Dresses and put on a show.  Leia liked performing and Mackenzie liked opening and closing the curtains.

The slide climbers.

Leia in fun Medieval costume at the KidZone museum.

Arwyn the climber mastered this tricky rope ladder!

This was no small feat because it was really painful in bare feet!

Perched up high in the ship!

The Princess guards her own castle!

Arwyn loves the wind tunnels!

So fun to watch those scarves fly all through the pipes!

Big smiles all day long!

Another climbing adventure, but this one turned out to be a little too advanced for today.

We missed our Daddy!  Thank goodness he got home in time for Daddy Day snuggles!

More fresh snow at the end of April!

Good things happen on Daddy day, like figuring out the couch's pull-out bed can double as a trampoline!

There are always fun Daddy dress up parties too.

And then they all just get silly...monkey see, monkey do!

Leia screamed the whole way home from Truckee, and I guess Arwyn decided she'd heard quite enough!

First tea party where the kids drank real tea...and loved it!

Real Chinese tea cups too, courtesy of Uncle Cody.

I was very impressed that they all had such good control of those little cups.

As usual, Leia was an excelling tea party hostess with the mostess.

Starting to see dirt again, and the floods were hard on our landscaping this year!

Kids helped make a Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub for their teachers.  It was delicious to eat too...

Long, personalized, hand-written letters to each teacher, plus this cool treat from the felt good to let them know how much we really appreciate them!  We love everyone at TFCC!

Arwyn has started potty training herself at a pretty young age, and with how much she loves to sit on the pot and play with her activity table, she's really a great endorsement for Josh's whole Dump Desk idea!

Smash face piggy nose!

Life looks better through a blue lens!

Monkey see monkey do, but the other way around! (Arwyn the innovator!)

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