Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Arwyn Week 31: 7 Months Old and Getting Cuter by the Second! - 1/21/2016

Arwyn continues to prove that she is one tough cookie!  She had her second of two flu shots this week, and when the needle went in, she didn't even flinch.  No instant tears, no delayed tears, no tears at all; it was like it never even happened!  Go girl!  She was playing with her crinkly newspaper at the time, so clearly the distraction helped too (Thank you Auntie Jen!).  She also continues to be such a happy girl, and now she doesn't just smile, but she actually laughs now too.  It is so cute to see her laugh!  Leia also likes Arwyn's smiles and laughs, and if she isn't smiling (which pretty much only happens in the morning when we are driving to school and she's tired and ready for her nap already), Leia is always saying, "Smile Arwyn! Smile!  Mommy, Arwyn's not smiling."  It's what we expect from her, so clearly disturbing to Leia when she's not.

As usual, Leia impresses us with her intelligence and logic, but now she's even starting to display a little reason...both logic and reason type, as well as the "being more reasonable" about day to day negotiations type.  The other day she was able to reason that love means you do things for others: "Daddy, you love me so you have to sing!"  (That was also the first time she's used love as an excuse for something she wants!)  She also made me laugh with another one of her morning monitor call outs when she wanted to get up: "Mommy, Daddy, everybody wake up now!"  She finally acknowledged and reasoned that we might actually be sleeping when we aren't just coming to get her right away!  I also took her out skiing again this week, and despite the fact that we weren't able to go until nap time so she was clearly already tired, she did fantastic.  She skied down by herself a bunch, she agreed to let me pull her by hanging onto the ski pole finally, and she even walked onto the magic carpet all by herself!  She was definitely wanting to do a lot of things "by herself," including getting on the chairlift and skiing down the steep part of the run.  I didn't let it go that far.  It was fun to watch her make choices about whether we would go on the Magic Carpet or the chairlift next.  But the funniest part was when she was skating over to the lift, she hit a slight incline, and stopped being able to make forward progress.  In the true ski racer spirit, even at the ripe age of two, she instantly blamed her faulty equipment rather than acknowledging that it might be her skills!  (See video below.)

I'm 7 Months and happy to be here!

I have a serious side too.

But mostly I like to smile.

Hmm, and ponder about life and what makes my sister tick!

Oh I'm just so happy I could burst!

Aghh, got you with my tongue!

Ok, I'm still cute and happy, but I'm done with this...time to rock and roll!

See, I'm still cute on my tummy!

My Rico Suavé look!

How cute are these pouty lips?

The jaw jutting smile means she's really happy!

Love those sweet cheeks!

So busy these days...always rolling, reaching, and scooting for something!

Come on, who could say no to that face?

Ha ha ha, now that was funny Mom!

Look at me, up on my knees and pumping!

Pre-downward dog?

Ok, now we're just getting silly!

Grimaces and gags on all the delicious food I try to give her, but loves the plastic chicken and croissants that Leia serves??

Who me? I do nothing wrong!

Aghhhh, got you!

What's up with the Transue tongue thing?  Looking cute at another successful haircut!

Learning the art of the double mirror, back of the head viewing!

Baby Mozart, she's brilliant!

Password = Arwyn

She takes such good care of her little sister!

Monkey snuggles...and I love how Monkey actually snuggles back!

Finally figured out it's ok to let Mom tow you!

Password = Leia

Really fun Mother-Daughter ski day!

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