Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Arwyn Week 29: Baby Eats Mommy Alive - 1/7/2016

Arwyn is sitting up on her own much better this week. She still falls over after a little, so I tend to put a little support behind her, but sometimes I don't so that she can practice. On those times when she has no support, she forgets and tries to whip herself backwards, but with no support, she hits the ground with her head pretty hard! She's also really motivated to get places and grab things, so she's started log rolling around the room with great success.  My weekly baby email says that this week Arwyn is learning that she and I are separate beings, and that's why she's so fascinated with touching my face. And since babies like to learn about objects by putting them in their mouths, I assume that's also why she suddenly has a huge infatuation with eating my hair!

Leia is learning about fairness in life. The other day she wanted to take one of her toys to school, but I wouldn't let her because it causes fights and is likely to get lost. She wasn't happy and informed me that "My Daddy said I could take it!" I knew Josh wouldn't have told her that, and I told her as much and stuck with my 'no' answer, but of course he wasn't around to confirm. Her response? "It's not FAIIIIIIR!"  That's pretty much her new standard response to anything she doesn't like, and Josh claims that neither she nor I actually use the term or understand its meaning properly. Really Josh? That's a rather blanket statement and just not fair!!

The Queen and her two Princesses in our Christmas crowns from Aunt Joanne!

Fabulously smoked trout in our new smoker!

She still likes that tongue!

All dolled up in pretty bracelets from her sister's new jewelry box!

Leia likes her to look "beautiful," but Arwyn just likes to eat the stuff!

Come here Arwyn, time for your shots from Dr. Leia!

Out for a fun little adventure in our new double stroller. Cute matching hats handmade by Cousin Jordan!

Sometimes hiding in plain sight/blending in can be a really good ninja tactic...not working so well in this particular game of hide-and-seek.  But go Leia, very forward thinking for her first time playing the game ever!

A little preview of the fun adventures to come for these two!

Currently Leia only likes to wear her summer sun dress or her fleece "soft jams." However, this new fleece dress is the ultimate combo of both and, combined with the super cool matching tights, has been elevated to her new favorite...well, almost!

Slightly concerned about Leia's concept of a good idea and Mom's willingness to oblige.

Really, I think it was fine...Leia can't go that fast yet!

Still so cute even when she's not so amused by our antics!

Now no one is happy, but Mom is still getting a kick out of it all!

Lounging in her soft jams!

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