Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Arwyn Week 20: Halloween Hell - 11/5/2015

Arwyn had a sneak peak of her feet last week, but this week she truly found them, and they made her time in the Bumbo much more interesting!  She's also gotten more comfortable in the bath, and has started kicking and splashing around a lot.  She was back to taking shorter naps at school, but I knew that was bound to happen.  And for Halloween this week, Arwyn dressed up as her namesake, the Elven Princess Arwen from Lord of the Rings.

Thanks to the movie Curious George's Boo Fest, Leia has been excited about Halloween for awhile, but I don't quite think it gave her the entire picture because she did not want to dress up for Halloween.  We had 3 different costume for her to choose from, but all she wanted to wear was her flowery summer dress.  Finally we convinced her dress as the Ninja Princess, but according to her when you tried to tell her she was a Ninja Princess, she said "No, I'm Leia."  Her trick-or-treating event at school/the hospital went very well, but when we tried to take her out in our neighborhood, it was a bit of a disaster.  She was a tired turd and didn't even want to go, then there were only 5 houses to stop at in the whole neighborhood, all of which being friends and family, and when she got to Nana and Poppy's house, they did such a good job with their haunted decorations that she was scared to death.  And then the fights for the candy began.  So far I hate this Halloween holiday!

In the interest of proper documentation, but at the risk of jinxing it, I'm going out on a limb to say she's been generally more mellow and agreeable for bit here (aside from the candy meltdowns).  Seems like the work we are attempting with respectful communication could be working.  She also initiated a poop in the potty while at the Halloween diner party we went to, so that was pretty momentous!  And since she's had time to get used to both Josh and I being back at work for a few weeks and not always home, she handled Josh's out of town departure very well.  No meltdowns, very understanding.  And when we call him, she says "So, you're out of town?  You coming back tonight?  No? Ok."  So reasonable!

"Leia" the Ninja Princess, new basket in hand, ready for the hospital Halloween parade!

She had such a good time Trick-or-Treating with Juile the Witch that she wanted Julie to be with us the next day when we went out in our neighborhood; Mom and Dad were not good enough!

She really didn't remember what this was about from last year, so both eager and shy about getting her first couple of treats.

The Ninja Princess, the Jedi, and the Elven Princess hit Winding Creek...doesn't everyone look so happy?!

Not too sure about heading into the gauntlet at Nana's house...

Whoo hoo ha ha haa haaa!  Spooky!

Aghhhhhhhhhh!  So scared!

Arwyn the Elven Princess.

Cutest little Elf I ever saw!

The nice thing about this age is that you can put them in any costume you want and they love it!

So cool how Princess Leia and Princess Arwyn actually have very similar costumes!

Had to recreate the whole horse scene from the movie...

Racing off the save the world on her white horse and silver saddle!

She really loves this beautiful saddle!

Leia was not to happy about having to go back out through the spooky gauntlet!

Luckily she was safe in the hands of her Nana.

Josh and I are trying to decide if we can get away with being the Cowboy and the Jedi every mom's done if for 30+ years with her witch costume!

The family the Trick-or-Treats together, stays together!

TFH Children's Center Halloween Parade!

Leia's best friend McKinsey as The Whale.

Skyler and Annabel, the Elsa Twins!

Fun for the kids and for the residents of the Seniors Nursing Facility!

Avery was such a cute little Panda!

My second prize (Princess Arwyn was the winner) goes to this little Day of the Dead Character, she said it was "Katrine."

Leia and her classmates with teachers Nancy, Desiree, and Julie.

The Pre-2 friends.

Oh, the purple spikey ball was one of her favorite treats that she got!

Arwyn dressed up as a sleeping monkey for most of the school parade.

Inspecting all this great new candy...she's basically never seen or had candy before!

Boot scooten boogie!

Arwyn and I did not get to eat Pumpkin Ravioli this year, but we still had a great lamb dinner!

Happy Halloween from Arwyn!

She's just too cute!

A little poultry for lunch today.

I just love baby feet and hands!

Whoa, check this out; this is new and exciting!

That big old toe is perfect for yanking!

Mom, did you see this thing?

Leave me alone, I'm learning about feet!

Happy girl when she gets to play with her toys!

Those push ups are getting stronger and more confident!

She just so interested in grabbing everything with her hands!

Hi there Lion-friend!

Love the expressions she gets with those eyebrows!

Still happy!

All clean, snuggly, and happy despite getting water boarded by Mommy!

Where's Willow?  Ah, hiding in the tupperware drawer today.  Stay tuned for more adventures with Willow, Leia's most cherished new toy that seems to get lost in the most amazing places...

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