Sunday, August 23, 2015

Arwyn Week 2: Happy 2nd Birthday to Leia! - 7/2/2015

Leia had her second birthday this week!  Her actual birthday was a school day, 6/26, so Daddy made her special Mickey Mouse pancakes before school, and we went to Uncle Jesse's birthday party after school.  As she was eating her pancakes, totally unsolicited, she blurts out: "Daddy, best pancakes ever!"  It was so sweet, and made Josh's morning since he doesn't normally like making breakfast!  We had Leia's party over the weekend with our whole family and Megan, Jesse, and Audra.  It was a very fun party, BBQing and playing in the back yard.

One very funny thing that happened this week was the morning when I asked Leia (as I almost always do) if she had a good sleep?  She responded with, "I woke up with a smile on my face!"  Too funny!  And another day when Leia was being a pain in the butt, Josh cried out in frustration "Leia, you are a trial!"  Leia very matter of factly replies, "I'm different!"  We all burst out laughing because yes, Leia, you are very special and different!

Meanwhile, our little Arwyn is as mellow as can be, just trucking along on all our adventures.  She lets Leia hold her without fussing (at least until she gets really hungry), and she's sleeping a long 3-4 hour stretch at night, sometimes longer! So far, so good, but we're still only week two, so I'm not holding my breath!

Our awesome Daddy, getting so creative with his squeeze bottle and batter!

Do you see the hidden smiley face?

Birthday Boy and Birthday Girl!

In her new party dress and ready for some fun!

So excited, this girl loves a party!

Nice day for a party outside!

"Hi Mommy, is that your pretty smile?"

Oh boy, someone just saw some great presents waiting down on the lawn! 

Singing "Happy Birsday to Emmett..." with her brand new ukulele!

Oooo, what's in this cool package?

Wow, a new scooter from Nana and Poppy!

Whoa, her very own house from Grandma and PopPop!

She tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!

A fun crew of party goers!

Uncle John and Aunt Stacia relaxing on the deck!

Blowing bubbles with Auntie Megan!

So excited to have her very first house guest!

Nice tie Emmett!

Blowing out the candles...last year she was in tears, this year she asked to do it a second time!

Emmett and Nana playing at the water table.

More victims, I mean house guests!

Greeting Audra out the back window!

Only 9 days old and already so alert!

Love this little sweetie!

Out in the yard making calls on her new house phone!

This little guy loves his mommy!

First day and already she makes beautiful sounds!

Even plays while sliding down the slide!

Fathers and Daughters

And here we have one tired turtle after a very fun party!

One of the first of many quality Poppy-Arwyn bonding times!

Daddy snuggles!

More nice snuggles with Sabrina, the children-of-all-ages whisperer!

Just relaxing and people watching!

Oh I think there's a hint of a smile!

Ready to punch someone out if she doesn't get milk soon!

My sweet girls!

Getting so big and strong that she can just pick up her boat and walk it when she runs aground!

Boat party out on the pond!

This little contortion artist likes to eat with her elbow in her armpit!

Arwyn's first bath!

A little white knuckling, especially with Leia's help, but all in all not a bad experience, thinks Arywn!

Babies in bath towels are so cute!

And of course, if Arwyn is bathing on the kitchen counter, Leia has to as well!

Daddy always gets her into the cute snuggle positions!

Post milk nice to enjoy a little skin to skin time!

Finally a nice evening to eat outside and have a little date night!

Learning how to scoot!

Afternoon tea party in Leia's House.

One might think that having two swings is excessive, but as you can see, clearly not!

Can't get enough of this sweet little face!

Hi Mom!

She hasn't actually "found her feet," and yet she likes to hold them while she eats...

And eat them afterwards...yummy dessert??

Burrito Mini

Burrito Super Grande

Nothing better than a little story time with Dad!

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