Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Leia Week 68: More Cognitive Development - 10/15/2014

Leia's communication skills really took a leap this week.  She's had all the signs, but she figured out how to really put them together and how to use them in different circumstances.  For example, we have always been working on "more" vs. "all done" in relationship to her food and meals, but all of a sudden when we were at the park, she climbed the stairs, went down the slide, had a huge grin, and then said "more please!"  Then she proceeded to go around and do the whole circuit again and again, saying "more please" each time! It was so amazing!  Also, whenever she's hungry she usually just asks for milk, but now she's really starting to distinguish whether she wants food or milk.  We had a lot of fun play sessions with her this week and it was so fun watching her make these progressions.

Morning snuggles in bed with Dad…there is always so much to talk about!

Speed racer zooming off with her monkey lunch bag!

Sometimes you have to ditch your bike and check things out on foot…problem is, she literally ditches the bike and mom and dad have to carry it back home!

Exploring is so fun!

Perfect rainbow in Truckee this week…the picture doesn't do it justice, but it was really bright and you could see both ends!

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