Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Leia Week 65: The End of an Era - 9/24/2014

We had a pretty mellow week at home.  Leia is very into dollies again, and she had a day at school where she wouldn't part with one of her favorites and had to bring it home for the night.  Neither Josh nor I are too fond of these dolls because they are so featureless and lame.  Oh well, what can you do.  On the bright side, it's caused her to add a new word to her vocabulary - Baby!  Leia is also really into this one purple and silver book of Nursery Rhymes that she just got as a present. She insists on having us read this book every time before bed, but again, Josh and I hate the book because it turns out nursery rhymes are very racist, sexist, and abusive (just go back and read See Saw Margery Daw, My Little Hen, and The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe if you don't know what I'm talking about!).  I think Leia really likes the pictures of this particular book because the same rhymes in a different book don't seem to be as interesting to her.  She's loving running around the house and playing chase with Dad, being a little goof, and dancing.  It is absolutely hilarious to watch her moves.  We will upload some of the latest dance videos soon.

The biggest news of the week was that we finally cut Leia off from breast feeding.  It was a really sad time for both of us.  Well, more sad for me, Leia was just pissed.  And now that I am no longer the best source of milk, she is starting to snuggle up to Daddy for comfort more and me less!  I guess the punishment fits the crime, but it sure hurts:(  We made it a good long stretch, 15 months, and even though I didn't really want to stop, it was probably a good time in her development.  Now we are putting a big dent in our stored up milk in the freezer...I definitely thought those 3 huge boxes would last longer!  Anyway, hopefully now we'll be able to start trying for another baby…  I love you Leia, thanks for all our special feeding time together!

Cool girl out for a spin on her pet giraffe.

Our little social butterfly chatting it up on the phone again!

How cute is that little face?!

First day eating a bowl of Rice Krispies and milk…snap, crackle, pop!

First day feeding herself from her bowl of Rice Krispies!

The nice thing about working from home is that no one knows when you are only wearing underwear!

Nakie baby!

Thanks to Josh, walking sticks and canes are very "in" right now!

Baby Elvis!

Yeah Mom, you're the bomb!

Little tea party at the park.

She's very into pointing at the cameraman these days!


She balanced that crown on her head for quite awhile…she really must have some princess genes!

Baths are always the best time for a little window face smashing!

Looking horrified at that last play…come in Steelers, lets get it together please!

Cuddling, rocking, singing, and chanting "Ba-by" all evening!

Like two peas in a pod…how can they sleep face down like that?!

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