Monday, October 20, 2014

Leia Week 67: Smart Cookie - 10/8/14

Watching Leia's development this week was really exciting.  We discovered that she's big enough to ride her wood kick bike, and now it's absolutely her favorite activity!  It only took a few minutes for her to figure out how to steer the thing properly, and then she was off, deftly maneuvering between the cars in the driveway and racing down the street so fast we actually have to run to keep up with her!  Now she has to have at least 1-2 riding sessions per day or she gets very upset.  The next cool thing that I found out about her was that she magically knows how to use the trash can.  There was a little piece of paper trash on the floor, which she pointed out to me.  I told her, "Oh that's yucky, that's trash.  Do you want to throw it away in the trash can?"  And what did she do?  She picked it up, walked over the trash can, opened the lid, and threw it away!  How did she figure that out all of a sudden??  It's not like we taught her.  Really makes you realize how much they watch what you are doing and how perceptive they are!  And finally, we've had so much trouble with Leia fighting us and screaming about diaper changes since she was 6 months old that people started telling us that she'll probably potty train early.  So one day I was so sick of fighting her that I randomly decided to just ask her if she wanted to try to use the toilet.  Why not, I didn't have much to lose…either she potty trains early and I don't fight with her about diapers or we are right where we started and waiting for the normal age.  Well guess what, when I asked her, she said yes and walked straight over to the bathroom!  Unfortunately, by the time I got the diaper off and got her on the toilet she had already pooped on the floor.  Oh well.  But seeing it kind scared her to see that happen, so I had to reassure her that it was all ok.  The next morning I didn't even have to ask.  All of a sudden she walked over to the bathroom door and pointed.  I asked if she wanted to poop on the toilet and she nodded yes!  Again, the timing didn't work out too well and we had all sorts of accidents on the floor, and she was really upset about the whole thing, but I was just so impressed that she knew what was going on and was willing to try.  I guess the whole thing kind of traumatized her though, because now when I ask she says no and gets a little stressed.  But on the bright side, she's not fighting me about the diaper changes anymore!  I figure we'll wait a few weeks, hopefully she'll forget, and we can try again.

Sword fighting with Chelsea…"Off with your head!"

Big E loves his Aunt Kat…so far I've got the magic "quiet down" touch!

About 30 seconds of instruction was all she needed, then she was steering and racing like a champ!

I'm #1!

Running so fast she threw off her shoes!

Perfect Leia size pumpkin courtesy of Lizard!

These two stole my phone…little did they know that their crazy picture would land front and center on the blog!

Neither rain nor snow nor Steelers with get in the way of Leia's daily bike sessions!

Too bad she pulled off her new racing goggles because they are really cool!

Missing her old Monkey Bouncer…so much fun to go back use all her "baby toys"!

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