Saturday, August 9, 2014

Leia Week 56: Mom's Funeral - 7/24/2014

We headed down for our final trip to Fairfield for Mom's (aka Mary Anne, aka Grandma) funeral. It was a nice gathering, with just family and a few close friends, and everyone shared many great stories and memories of her. Leia was as well behaved as possible, but she had no interest in sitting still and listening to people talk. Instead, she spent most of the time exploring the place on foot with me in tow. Unfortunately Leia won't remember Mom, but at least Mom got to know Leia, and I know that made her very happy. I love you Mom, and I will always remember you and all the good times we had over the last 36 years!

Josh and Leia opted for a scooter ride to the service rather than a long walk on crutches!

Always feel lucky to get a visit with Aunt Lucy!

Chillin with Dad and checking out the scene.

Sporting her new stylie outfit from Aunt Joanne!

Admiring Stacia's belly.


Nice smiles for me and Leia!

Jousting practice with Dad's crutch!

Our little fashionista learning to tie her own scarfs!

How cute is that?!

Whoa Leia, for your first earrings, don't you think those are a little big?!

More practice putting on her sweatshirt and hat...or is it peek-a-boo?

I see you!

Perfect fit and a good laugh!

Where'd she go?

There she is!

Another delicious Bon Appetite date night with our last bottle of wedding wine.

Crazy kid playing in the bath!

She just loves putting things on her head these days!

Happy babies are so much fun!

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