Thursday, August 28, 2014

Leia The Crawling Machine Movie

Leia learned to crawl right around 6.5 months old.  It did not take her too long to get the hang of it, and once she did, she was unstoppable…flying around around the house at very high speeds all the time.  In the middle of this time period, it became clear that she was ready to start walking, but being the busy bee that she is, she decided to stay with the crawling thing a little bit longer because it was so much faster.  She would stand up, think about taking a step or two and then realize she didn't want to wait that long to get from A to B, drop to the ground and zoom away.  Here is a little video documenting her crawling phase from 6 months to 11 months, when she did finally decide she was ready to commit to the whole walking thing.

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