Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Leia Week 29: Sickie and Shots - 1/15/14

Leia had her 6 month old well baby checkup and shots this week. So far she loves going to the doctor! She was happy and smiling in all the waiting rooms, laughing and waiving at all the other patients. Then she had a blast playing with the table cover paper and showing off for the doctor.  Finally, she didn't even scream until they went in for the second set of shots, and then was laughing and smiling at the nurse 30 seconds later!! Talk about a tough little cookie she is! She did a bunch more crawling this week, trying to hone in her skills. And she got sick again...coughing, sneezing, and congestion. Doesn't seem like it will ever clear up, but she seems to function pretty well despite all the symptoms.

So excited to play with such a big piece of really loud, crinkly paper at the doctor's office!

Got her workout suit and sweat band on, getting ready for a big crawl session!

And here she goes...where she stops, nobody knows!

Looking pretty proud of herself and her great form!

It's the middle of January and this big old bear decided to come out and watch a little ski racing!

She absolutely loves feeding herself with this banana pop, but stand back when the nanners pieces start flying!

Aww, Daddy and Baby staying home sick:(

Seriously, this new eating thing couldn't be much more fun!

Might as well take advantage of the nice weather and do a little driving on the deck...much more room to get around!

Getting so good at feeding herself and flipping Mom off at the same time for using a flash!

Time for another little yoga strech session...

Touch your toes and stretch out those hammys!

Beautiful form on the Downward Dog!

And now we show Jody how good we are at standing!

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