Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Leia Week 27: Leia Turns 6 Months! - 1/1/14

I can't believe that 6 months has gone by since Leia was born, but alas, December 26th was her half birthday!  She's now sitting by herself, most of the time, and she loves log rolling across the room.  Still just on the verge of crawling, but every time she tries, she seems to get her knee caught up in her clothes instead or just tries to go straight to standing like a runner taking off from a running block!  When she gets it we are in trouble!! Leia also had her first Christmas, and it was fun watching her trying to open her presents.  A few of them she really liked, but mostly she loved eating the wrapping.

Our Christmas Snow Angel sporting her new Biby Beanie.

Attempting a family portrait but Leia has other things on her mind...

Ha ha, gotcha Daddy!

The beautiful Christmas tree at Nana and Poppy's.

Fun playing with Auntie Stacia and Kishka.

Nana and Poppy cheersing their new Leia Mugs!

Excited about opening more presents!!

A basic wooden spoon is her new favorite toy.

Hanging with Nana by the tree in her Santa Sleep Sac.

Ha ha, you're funny Nana!

Leia's new signature grin when she's really excited is the lower jaw thrust forward.

First Christmas at home (celebrated on Dec 27th, btw)...eating paper is the best part of presents.

Deciding which of the billion presents waiting for her under the tree she wants to open next!

I'll take this one.

Sort of trying to open the paper, but mostly just making sure she'll get to eat it before I toss it!

Leia is all smiles when its book time...thanks Grandy!

Happy times with Mommy and Baby.

Look who is 6 months old today!

And sitting up all by herself!

When the Kat is away, the mice will dress up time!

Getting really good at sitting without going "Timber!"

Now she's swimming...kick kick paddle.

Hi there cutie!

Here you can see that right knee went forward, but the clothes stayed behind and now it's stuck.

Lots of sunny days means walks with Mom again.

Leia's first cloth diaper and sponge bath happened on Grandma Jody's Oriental rug after a poorly timed blowout with no supplies to be found!

Princess Leia keeping Princess Cary company during her long recovery.

Someone's proud of herself!

1 comment:

Jackson Family Robinson said...

Love it Breath. Leia is adorable! Cant wait to hang with her in Santa Barbara come spring time! All the best to the TransueLangeBreath's in 14'.