Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Had a really fun Halloween this year, and I actually dressed up for the first time in awhile! Hung out with Josh, John, Stacia, Megan, Jesse, and Walter, and we cooked up some good grub at Stacia's and then hit the Chammy for the big bash. Great costumes from everyone in my group!!

I dressed up as a "Sugar Mama" and Josh was my "Drunken Baby"!

He sure was a grouchy drunken baby!

Hey man, your ass is flappin' in the wind!

Watch out for John and Stacia, the H1N1 innoculators!

Jesse, you look so gorgeous in drag...nice calves!

Isn't she a sweet thang?!

Megan taking advantage of his girlfriend?? Something's just not right here!

Looking quite handsome there Megan!

Awe, look at my cute little baby!

We finally got Walter to dress up as Elvis and leave the building...

How can you resist a sweet baby face like that?

Have you had your innoculation yet?

Check out this motley crew! Happy Halloween!

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