Wednesday, August 16, 2017

L&A Years 4&2 Week 7: Darth Vader Daddy - 8/10/2017

Arwyn has been really good about saying thank you lately, "ti tu," and it's so sweet.  She's also been very opinionated lately, which is not so sweet.  "Diff-rent socks!  Diff-rent cuppie! Diff-rent spoon!  Diff-rent milk!  Diff-rent shirt!"  And boy does she get mad if you don't give her something different!!  She successfully completed her first butt-drop back to standing on the trampoline this week.  And she loves to have Uncle John watch her: "Uh joh, watch dis!"  Unfortunately he's not quite accustomed to hearing his name pronounced "Uh joh," so he doesn't always realize she's talking to him.  I saw her walking through the hospital with her class this week.  I was tying to stay hidden, but she saw me and actually didn't freak out like I thought she would.  She said hi, waved, and waved buy again when I left, and never even cried.  So cute.  Arwyn really missed Josh this week while he was away in Oregon for a ski camp.  She was so happy when she finally got to talk to him on FaceTime.  She just kept talking, talking, talking, and wanted so many kisses.  It was really sweet.

Leia continues to crack me up when she tells me she needs some privacy because she only says it when she wants to do something she thinks we won't like.  As smart and sneaky as she usually is, I'm surprised she hasn't figured this one out yet.  Anyway, I'm glad she hasn't, and I'm trying to encourage her to tell me things, not hide them.  So this week, when she said, "Mommy, please go away because I need some privacy," I asked her, "Why?  What are you trying to do? I'd rather you tell me things, and not try to hide it."  "Ok, I want to eat the strawberries out of my oatmeal."  Well, obviously I didn't care about that, so I rewarded her honesty.  Wahoo, one victory!  We had the Leunigs and Shirleys over for dinner again right before Josh left.  The kids all have so much fun together, and Leia is in heaven playing with the bigger kids who are responsible and can enable her to do things without Mommy or Daddy.  Like when she talked Anya into escorting her and Arwyn down to Nana and Poppy's again.  Luckily I happened to be watching them head down the street when they left, or I wouldn't have had a clue where they all were.  So then we sent Nadia to bring them home, since I knew Nana and Poppy weren't home either.  Poppy came to stay with the girls in the evening when Josh was gone, and they always beg to have him come over, so I really thought they'd be good, but the first night, not so much.  Leia threw a crying fit, insisting she wanted Mommy to put her to bed, even though she knows she's supposed to be asleep before I even get home.  But good old Poppy acknowledged her feelings about missing mommy and daddy, and she was finally able to calm herself down and talk about it.  Of course the next night, she talked to Poppy ahead of time about the problem: "So Poppy, when I start crying for Mommy tonight, you just need to calm me down and read these two books, ok?"  Really Leia, planning ahead for your tantrum?  Such a manipulator!!  We had a fun play date at the pond with her friend Kailyn this week.  It was the first chilly day of the entire summer, of course, so I brought the princess dresses along, and after they got too cold swimming, they had a blast running all around the park playing dress up and picnic.  I just hope I didn't open a can of worms with that one because I certainly don't want to bring dresses with us every time!  We had to water Josh's garden while he was gone, but luckily the girls were happy to help.  Determined to help, I should say.  Leia insisted on using the hose, but spent more time watering the bear box then the plants.  I finally got the hose away from her, so they decided to get their sand toys (shovels, rakes, and buckets), and started digging in the garden.  I wasn't too happy about that either, but she kept insisting that they were "just trying to make Daddy's garden look nice."  In the end, it seemed like they were actually digging in a pretty harmless location, so I just let them roll with it.

Josh's transformation into Vader gets a little closer...apparently having approximately 28 apneas per hour that actually wake you up 8 times per hour, and only getting 80% oxygen while you sleep isn't too healthy!!  He wishes he'd known that 20 years ago...

Princess Leia and her Darth Vader Daddy.  We are so excited he finally has his new C-Pap machine, and are hoping to see a whole new (and really rested) Josh.

I got a hall pass!  Drinks at the bar with Sabrina and Markus!

Fun dinner with the Leunigs and Shirleys.

Beautiful spot next to the creek for a little tea party with our new friend Genevieve.

Gotta love the goofy glow in the dark glasses!

Had a little Emmett time today too!

Password = Arwyn

The butt drop is pretty easy, but getting back up is a little harder.  It only took Arwyn a month and a half to figure it out though!

Arwyn and her "Uh Joh."

Leia turned on her blue tooth headphone, and random music magically started playing!  She was really feeling the groove!

Password = Leia

She turned on the headphones and music magically started playing, despite no iPads actually being on!  She's never been both quiet and active for this long in her life.  It was a total miracle in all respects!

Good ol' Mt. Hood summer skiing!

It was really smokey from all the fires during Josh's trip to Oregon.

Arwyn (orange shirt) and her school friends, out for a walk through the hospital.

Beautiful waterfall somewhere near Govt Camp, OR.

Cool branch!

More beautiful waterfalls.  I do miss going to Oregon, it's so nice up there!

A little swimming time for Josh and his athletes, with Mt. Hood in the smokey background.

Josh brought home some of this real live "Sashquatch fir" that got caught on the trees to show to Leia and Arwyn.

Digging and watering in Daddy's garden to "make it look nice."

When you never buy your kids lollypops, they just get creative and make their own out of plastic.  And I'm good with that!

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