Monday, August 14, 2017

L&A Years 4&2 Week 5: The Bandaid Sisters - 7/27/2017

Arwyn, my sweet Arwyn, has fully entered the terrible twos!  She pitches a fit about everything these days, and has some very strong opinions.  She doesn't want to go to school anymore, despite having been happy to go every day for the last two years.  As soon as we get to Truckee and turn onto the hospital back roads, and she realizes where we are going, she yells out, "No Luna! No Hadder!" (i.e. She doesn't want to go to the place with Luna, her friend, and Heather, her teacher.)  Arwyn has also started to get really needy about bandaids all the time.  "I ha owie! I need ban-aid!" she'll say, pointing to some imaginary injury on her body.  She also had a little stomach bug this week, and had to sleep with Josh and I one night after she woke up vomiting a couple times.  I was a little nervous, but she seemed to be done being sick, and she was so cute lying there next to me, although she was pretty much lying sideways all night, and kept stretching out and kicking me all night!  She did seem to be very happy about being granted the mommy bed privilege, and was actually good about going right back to sleep once we all lay down (rather than fussing around and trying to play with us like she usually does when she's in our bed).  She's still asking for mommy milk a couple times a week, which I guess isn't surprising after our whole extended feeding experience on the airplane.  I'm sort of alright with it because I keep reading these articles that say that the norm in most other countries is actually to breast feed until 3 or 4, and there a lot of new research that the gut and the brain are still developing at this age and mother's breast milk is critical to that development.  Arwyn amazed us this week with her ability to distinguish between different architectural styles in the neighborhood.  John's house is a Morton, and there is another Morton designed house down the street from us.  Josh and the girls were biking past the house this week and Arwyn points to it and says, "like Emmett house."  Absolutely brilliant!

Leia continues to test her boundaries and try to prove her whit and craftiness these days.  Josh went to pick her up from school one day, and found her with green chalk all over her face.  She bragged about how she and her friends had been experimenting with facial art, and how teacher Allison told them all to go wash it off, but as soon as Allison left, Leia chose not to do it.  She thought she was so sneaky, not doing what the teacher said.  She also refused to take a bath that night.  Josh suggested she might want to wash it off before bed because if she slept with it on, it would never come off!  She finally decided to just wash her face, and started really freaking out when it wasn't coming off on her initial washing.  Luckily they finally got it off.  Of course, the very next morning, she proceeded to tell me that she wanted to do it all over again to "trick Poppy" when he came to pick her up that night!  Little rascal.  She didn't end up following through.  Leia tests us over and over, as all toddlers do, but her comprehension of her actions really amazes me, and seems to be a little advanced for her age.  After a set of particularly bad abuse from both Leia and Arwyn, Josh asked, "Why are my girls so mean to me?"  Leia's response was, "It's only because we love you so much, Daddy!"  Do most 4 years olds really understand that concept?  They do it naturally because they feel safe with that person, but it seems odd to be able to verbalize it so young.  Leia is in a new phase of insisting on taking her cereal bowl to the sink after breakfast, and completely washing, drying, and putting it away.  I love it because it's the first time she's ever initiated an attempt to clean up after herself in our home!  Arwyn, of course, follows suit.  It takes a little extra time when I'm in such a hurry to get to work, but I always allow it.  Finally, poor Leia has started getting acid reflux.  She keeps coming to me in the morning and saying, "The water from my stomach keeps coming up in my throat and tingling and burning me!"  Again, unbelievable that she can so accurately describe her symptoms at the age of 4!  I mean, seriously, who does that?  So helpful though, because I know exactly what's wrong with her, so hopefully we can help her if it continues.

New witches hat and Fancy Nancy book from Aunt Joanne.  Fun reading it with Nana.

Arwyn dominating the balance board...she does have great balance!

Hot sunny day, and Leia wears a black witches hat to the yoga festival at the village!

So cute in her little sweat band...ready to do some yoga!

Inspired by the yoga festival to do a little yoga herself.

Perfect form off the starting block, just like a professional runner.  Not sure where she learned this move!

Password = Leia

Leia loves to run, she loves to race, and now she loves to crouch down and get a start off the block.  She's getting faster and faster, soon she'll be faster than Bolt!

Nothing like relaxing on a front porch swing.

Seeing our friend Dash for the first time in 2 years.

She was too busy throwing tantrums while we tried to have a nice dinner with Chelsea and Dash, so Daddy and Arwyn had to go outside and drive cars instead.  That made her happier.

My little goof, always loves to get dressed up.

Leia always wants to try on my nice clothes, and I always say no.  But I guess one day I told her that I was saving this dress for her to have some day, and today she decided to remind me of that.  I finally let her try it on.  Used to belong to Mom Ablan, and she wanted me to have it.  It doesn't really fit me, and I'm not sure where I'd wear it, so I'm glad Leia did and will get some enjoyment out of it.

Breakfast sous chef.

Charging through the village on day 2 of our yoga festival adventures...this is a girl with a purpose.

She likes to dress herself now, and she likes rainbow!

Arwyn's favorite booth: playing with the kinetic sand.  She could have stayed here all day!

Nope, these girls never have any fun together!

Password = Leia

New death defying tricks on the trampoline include jumping over your trusting little sister!

Password = Arwyn (below)

Arwyn's legs are still a bit shorter, so jumping over Leia is quite a feat!  At least if Arwyn misses, I don't think she'll hurt Leia, but I'm not so confident when the roles are reversed!

Randomly saw a picture on my computer of her wearing this fabric last year, and insisted on wearing it again.  Now.

The bandaid princesses!

So many owies, so few bandaids.

Arwyn's first time crossing the toadstools all by herself!

It was a big reach, but she made it!

"Mommy, I diddit!"

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