Monday, July 31, 2017

Years 4&2 Week 3: Leia Earns Her Bike Back! - 7/13/17

Arwyn really likes to show people all the cool tricks she's figuring out, so she's constantly calling out in her little robot voice: "Daddy, watch this.  Mommy, watch this.  Poppy, watch this."  It's so cute.  She's also decided to start reading all the books to me at bedtime.  A few nights this week I didn't read a single word, and she turned all the pages, while pointing out and describing things on every page.  So cute.  She also took a shower in the shower in her own room (since no one could convince Leia to take a bath with her), and she was so excited to figure out that she actually had her very own shower that she could use!  "I shower my shower!"  She told everyone about it for days.  We went to the Truckee Air Show, and Arwyn was a little bit afraid of all the planes.  She screamed any time I tried to take her near one.  She finally got happy when we found the kids art section, and when she got to have a slurpee!  Arwyn also had a blast at Levi's birthday party.  She pretty much had to play by herself the whole time because Leia was busy with her friends, but there were so many cool things to do that she happily entertained herself the entire time.

Leia has not had her bike for around 2 months now, after having it taken away by the "bike police" when she abandoned it on the road and refused to bring it home.  We've been trying to have her clean her room to earn it back this entire time, but she absolutely refused.  Once she realized that we weren't going to just buy her a new one, she was satisfied to just use her scooter instead, rather than having to endure the torture of cleaning her room.  Until this week.  She was invited to her friend Levi's birthday party, and it was a bike party.  She wanted to go to the party so badly that she actually cleaned her room!  I called the bike police immediately afterwards, and next thing she knew, they had dropped it off in the driveway.  Hurray!  Once it was back, she was pretty excited to have a bike to ride again, but she would never have admitted that she missed it when it was gone; way too stubborn and proud.  She was so excited to be riding it again that she decided she wanted to try to ride it all the way to the park.  She did really well for awhile, but it was a lot farther than she thought, and the little hill was longer and steeper than she expected, and she was having a really hard time continuing to ride.  Finally she got so tired and flummoxed that she yelled out,  "Aghh, I should never have gotten out of bed this morning!"  I could hardly contain the laughter, she's so dramatic!  Our friend Sarah (who Leia loves) came with us to the Air Show, and after she left us, Leia says, "I don't like Sarah anymore."  "Why?"  "She won't stop talking!"  I was cracking up because it was true.  Sarah hadn't seen us in so long, and she spent the entire car ride in both directions telling stories to me and Josh.  Leia couldn't interrupt her, or even get a word in edgewise, which she's really not used to.  She always yells at us to stop talking when Josh and I try to talk, but Sarah was unstoppable!  She also cracked us up this week when she announced that she wanted to go to shopping at Costco in Georgia. She's so random how she picks up on this stuff from adults and mixes it with stuff she's learning about at school.  She's getting so good at playing with and helping out Arwyn with stuff.  This week they came home super dirty from school one day, and Josh told them they needed a bath because their faces were so dirty.  Leia didn't want a bath, so she marched off with Arwyn and helped wash both their faces in the sink all by themselves.

I think this could be Leia's version of green eggs and ham?

Leia's teacher says she loves art, especially cutting and gluing.

Cool tie-dye type effects!

Arwyn's 4th of July hand print.

Another cutting and gluing masterpiece by Leia.

Leia said this one is Arial and Eric kissing inside Ursula's belly.  Definitely a great Ursula!

Abstract.  Well, it's probably not abstract to Leia.

Leia (getting a little embarrassed) and Lynsey, one of our favorite teachers, who's been teaching her since she was 4 months old!

It makes us so happy because we can tell she genuinely loves our child!

Such characters!  I just love this sequence.

Cool cat Arwyn heading to the airshow.

Not happy about going inside the war plane, and no longer keeping her cool! (Here we see her signing for "all done!")

So many cool airplanes to see!

Even I wanted a turn to sit inside this cool open cockpit plane, but Arwyn wouldn't let me get near it!

Crazy tricks...he's headed straight down!

Ok, something is finally looking a little interesting to her.  It's probably not an airplane!

Talk about a sharp direction change!  And cool smoke rings!

Password = Arwyn

Amazing stunts that these guys can do in airplanes!

Ok, now we have a slurpee in hand and all of a sudden she remembers how much she loves airplanes!

Now here's a cool cat princess!

The airplane is spinning circles around the team of 3 people flying in wings suits!

Spiraling down to the ground, but this was on purpose and pulled up just in time!

First slurpee!

Happy camper!

Sugar rush!

The Chef Princess helping Daddy cook in her new pink chef's coat.

Jedi mind tricks: is that light saber really standing up on top of the hockey puck all by itself?

Sarah got the honors of being the guest tooth brusher!

They just love lining up next to each other in matching chairs.

Damn good downward dog!

Tough girl can just about do a push-up!

Yoga class with Leia.  Unicorn pose is still her fav!

Rainbow bright and brighter.

It's amazing how happy a swing can make a kid!

She's definitely starting to learn some dressing habits from her big sis.

A loving big sister pushing her little sister on the swing.

Many important meetings take place in this little house.

Arwyn just got bubbles as a party is good!

Water balloon fight!  Check out that game face as she gets ready to pounce!

And a successful release!

Oh yeah, big pool of water all to herself!

Password = Arwyn

Horseback riding and water play, two great things to do on a hot day, and Arwyn figured out how to combine them into one thing!

Watch out for the little one with the water canon sneak attack!

When it's water fight time, this girl means business!  She's always up for a good "water fight!"

Password = Leia

Leia and her little gang of hoodlums doing running leaps off the bike ramp.  Oh, and if your little sister is in the way, no problem, just move her!

All sorts of fun new toys at this party.

Patiently awaiting the birthday cake!

Fun birthday party for Levi.

This one loves her "kek!"

Arwyn with her friend and teacher, "Hodder" (aka Heather).

Leia wanted me to give this beautiful drawing to my boss Pete.  I always tell her that he's going to take my money away if she makes me late for work, but she still likes Pete and is always asking after him.  Plus, she just gives me all her money when Pete takes mine away.

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