Friday, July 28, 2017

Years 4&2 Week 2: Skiing on the 4th of July - 7/6/2017

Leia finally had her first day all season where she happily agreed to go skiing, and did so without any fussing in the morning!  After her boring morning at home last week while Arwyn and I skied and got ice cream, I think Leia realized she had made a bad decision.  So when we offered up a special ski day this week, she jumped on it right away.  It also helped that we promised a special hunt for Z-Bars on the ski hill, as well as ice cream to follow.  She even skied all by herself the entire time, despite the soft, difficult conditions.  It was a great day.  Leia also had seven days straight of earning stars on her star chart for cooperating with her night time sleep routine and going right to bed.  She earned a special treat for that, and chose to have us make her favorite Halloween Eyeball Cookies.  And, after the success of her bedtime star chart, Leia started a new star chart and tries to earn stars for everything.  It's great because she's being really helpful and cooperative because of it.  We had a fun day up at Megan and Jesse's pond.  Leia swam all the way across by herself with her new flippers, and played really well with her friend Shayla.  They were pretty funny because they named every little island and rock stop along the raft tour around the pond, using names like "Princess Island", "Bug Beach", and "Rainbow Sparkle Island."  Leia has started a new phase of taking her own cereal bowl over to the sink after breakfast, and totally washing it, drying it, and putting it away.  And of course, Arwyn insists on following suit.  So great!  Leia was so cute one day, talking about Josh's athlete Zoe: "I wanted to give this [some random treasure] to Daddy's athlete.  Zoe is my best friend.  I wanted to give this to her when she babysat us, but we accidentally brought it home."  It's so cute how much she loves Zoe!

Arwyn is the miracle sleeper these days.  Or maybe snoozer is the better word.  She woke up one morning, and was just chilling in her bed, singing songs, playing with animals, and resting, for a whopping 1.5 hours!  1.5 hours was the record, but she actually does it for quite awhile almost every day.  I guess she just really likes her alone time in the morning.  She did a good job skiing again this week with no fusses.  It was so cool to be able to ski with the whole family on 4th of July weekend at Squaw!  It was so funny one day when we were driving by the Alpine stables.  We had to stop while the horses were crossing the street in front of us, and she pointed at them and yelled out, "Acorns!" (i.e. Unicorns).  Not sure if she was just being funny or if she's gotten confused about the difference between horses and unicorns, but either way it was hilarious.  And I love how she pronounces that word.  It was also cute when she was talking about her teacher, Heather.  "Hodder, my friend."

Insisted on wearing her swim robe to school and carrying her own heavy bag.

Password = Arwyn

The girls love to take turns on the trampoline putting on a "show" for me.  Arwyn had a pretty good show today, tuck knees and yoga poses.

Password = Leia (below)

It's only been about 2 weeks since we got our new trampoline, and already both girls have mastered so many new skills.  Leia has figured out the butt drop and knee tuck jumps, and she is always trying to do more.

July 1st and we are ready to hit the slopes!

Leia's choice for her "4th of July Costume."

Scary monster trying to walk in ski boots!

Leia even carried her own skis all the way to the Funi!

Looking a little light on snow in the background...can you believe we are going skiing?

Fun to have Poppy join us for our little shred session.

Holy smokes, Leia actually smiled for the camera!

Fun little ski crew!

So nice to ride 6 person chairs with your whole group!

Password = Leia

Leia and Arwyn both trying to have the fastest feet on skis!

Hey you!

Love skiing with this little cutie!

The smiling skiers!

Celebrating 4th of July with her red, gold, and blue!

Another tough, sloppy snow day, and Arwyn did fabulous!

Password = Leia

Leia's first day back on snow in over a month, and she's discovered that summer snow is slow!  Daddy starts teaching her the art of the tuck!

Successful day of skiing with this fun little crew!

Can't get enough of the two cuties on Team Wagon!

Nothing better that a little ice cream after a hot day of skiing!

Leia enjoying a little "Poppy Time."

Having not had too much ice cream yet, this one still thinks it's the best thing in the world!

Leia won't let anyone brush her hair, ever, but here we see Arwyn taking a shot at it!

It just wouldn't be a proper 4th of July ensemble without an Elsa Skirt on top!

Big air time!

Password = Leia

Every time I see her on the trampoline, Leia has mastered a new trick.  Today she did a full 360 spin!

Cool new Star Wars fabric makes a great sheet for a hot summer night!

Josh's room at the sleep study hotel...unfortunately there wasn't much sleep happening there:(

All aboard the Bear Pond Barge!

All her favorite friends in one special place...happy day!

Arwyn loves her some Uncle Jesse!

Loving her new wetsuit from Cousin Jordan...just what she needed for the cold pond water!

Sand castle time!

Kinda looks like some crazy new sand castle dance...

Arwyn looks just as perplexed about Leia's weird moves as the rest of us!

The Littlest Mermaid!

Look Mommy, "Ha-copter!" says Arwyn about the drone at the 4th of July party.

How come no one else in my family likes to smile!

Actually, Arwyn does like to smile.  All about saying "cheese!" these days!

Racing for the door...these two love going to school!

Winter hat on a hot July day??

Love to see that big smile!

4th of July (yes, it's been a long week of celebrating, but it's finally the 4th) at the pond.  "Mature" big sister Leia with her little copy cat.

It wouldn't be a good party if Leia didn't change her outfit a few times.

Love this sweet smile!

Leia loves to cuddle her little sis, but Arwyn's like "What is this?"

I asked Leia to show me some of the poses she's learned in yoga class.  This is "Unicorn," her favorite.

Not sure what you call this, but she's clearly got skills!

I think this is "Tree."

And of course, a perfect "Downward Dog."

Password = Leia

Leia's getting so good at jumping that she's getting more creative with her tricks.  Today it's the butt jump up to a single foot with the other extended out back.

It's July 6th, and Squaw Creek is still raging.  Time for a Transue Family kayak adventure!

Surprisingly, Leia remembered falling out of the kayak last year, and was not too excited for this adventure.

It took a lot of convincing and cajoling to get these three on the river today, but in the end, everyone had a great time!

And no one fell out!

About a quarter of the way in (and after the first little rapid section), Arwyn decided she was "all done!" And she kept saying "no water fight!" before each rapid, but I did get her to the end without a meltdown.

Trampoline smash face!

Josh: "Let's get takeout tonight, I really don't feel like cooking."
Katharine: "No."
Josh: "Fine!! [Angry face emoji!] Guess I'll just have to make a stuffed London Broil!!
Katharine: "Sure."
Josh: Thought bubble {What the heck just happened?}

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