Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Arwyn Week 33: Standing, Sitting, Skiing, and Biking - 2/4/2016

Arwyn still doesn't like to eat food too much, but she does like paper, and especially books.  We were at our neighbor's house, and Leia was really loving "reading" this little instruction manual for a game they had.  We worked really hard all night to make sure she took care of that book and didn't mess it up (because at one point she did want to stand on it and jump).  At the end of the night when we were cleaning up, all of a sudden I realized that little book was totally trashed, and I was about to get so mad at Leia, when Josh tells me, "It wasn't Leia, it was the good kid!"  Apparently Arwyn had managed to get a hold of the book and chew it all up! Dang it Arwyn, you aren't supposed to be doing things wrong yet!!  It is so weird that Arwyn doesn't actually like to eat food because she's always so interested in it.  I had a big turkey sandwich the other days and she wanted to grab it and eat it so badly that I finally just gave her little pieces of the turkey.  It seemed like she liked it and had figured out how to gum it and swallow it, but it the end she had just squirreled most of it away in her cheeks and ended up gagging and spitting it all out.  Arwyn is also starting to be able to stand up on her own while holding on to stuff.  She can still only do it for a little until she loses her balance and falls, but she's getting much better.  And while she's not crawling yet, we are getting closer and closer.  This week she was up on her hands and knees and did a forward scoot.  She also was able to go from lying down to sitting up all by herself.

Per usual, Leia is an absolutely hilarious little person.  This week, in the middle of a big snow storm where the sledding would have been awesome, she decided she wanted to go biking instead.  I tried to tell her that bikes don't work in the snow, but she insisted and also proved me wrong.  She managed to bike all the way to Nana's and home again without any issues.  Her new clothing technique is layers: rather than choosing between two or three of her favorite outfits, she just wears them all on top of each other!  PJ's under leggings, one shirt under another, and a dress over the whole ensemble.  So ridiculous!  And she insists on wearing it all to bed rather than her soft jams...I can't believe that she's finally decided that sometimes she'd rather wear something else besides soft jams!  Leia also like to help me in the mornings when we drop Arwyn off at school.  She likes to take Arwyn's lunch cooler and put it in the fridge for her.  I go with her, but she has to do it all herself, of course.  But then I saw that she was trying to put the cooler on the very bottom of the fridge (where the veggie drawers usually are) and push it all the way to the back, I tried to get her to put it somewhere else because I was worried that the teachers wouldn't find it.  She got very annoyed with me and insisted it stay there where she had put it, and she says to me very matter-of-factly, "I have to put it here where the teachers won't find it."  I burst out laughing, having not realized that the whole thing was a conscious decision!  The first time she did it, the teachers really couldn't find it and they almost called me about it, but now they know where to look every time.

She's figured out how to hang out in bed and play with her friends when she wakes up!

"I love standing!"

Seriously, seems like I get all the best smiles at bath time!

"Arwyn wants to hide under my bed!" Sorry Leia, she still doesn't, but we're getting closer...at least she'll hang out right next to your fortress!

Still a little wobbly, but it sure makes her happy!

Now there are two kids who like to climb Mt. Daddy!

Or is is the Daddy Trampoline? Butt drops!

Ha ha ha ha, we got you Daddy!

Snow or no snow, she still hasn't quite figured out how to push the pedals around in full circles.

Back on her Strider bike, Leia is an unstoppable force in this snow storm, but like Mommy, Arwyn thinks she's a little weird!

Not fired up about her Marshmallow Man Suit!

Give me some Bling please!!

Such a cute little bum!

So fired up to be upright and playing with this table...but as the minutes pass, it becomes quite precarious as her feet slide farther and farther apart into the splits!

Pumping it up and ready to go get that to...luckily for her she has a long reach so only one step forward is ever necessary!

Modeling our favorite space suit...Hey Spaceman!

Fired up to be on the upper mountain today, and walking right up to the lifts all by herself!

Mountain Meadow selfie!

Password = Leia

Funny video of Leia ripping down the hill and singing to her Daddy, who I told her was watching her ski at Squaw from over at Northstar.  Waving hi, pretending we could see him, showing him how good she was doing, and singing to him were the only ways I was able to end a "I miss my Daddy" meltdown!

Hey there my cute little bear!

Arwyn has officially entered the realm of not being limited by any preconceived notions about where the head of her bed should be...lying sideways is just fine!

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