Friday, December 4, 2015

Arwyn Week 23: 1st Thanksgiving - 11/26/2015

Arwyn had a few more bad nights this week of waking up a lot, but I think things are getting better and she'll be back to sleeping though the night again soon.  She's definitely teething like a maniac: she is constantly chewing on my knuckles as hard as she can and drooling a ton.  Hopefully those suckers pop out soon and give her some relief!

Leia had a pretty funny week.  One morning, Arwyn and I went to get her up out of bed, and the two were happily playing together in her bed for a little bit (with Leia's millions of stuffed animals), when all of a sudden Leia says, "Mommy, I want to get out.  There's too many kids in here!" Suddenly Arwyn is too many kids? I had to chuckle.  Another time she had this crazy ESP.  She was busy telling Arwyn a story, "Arwyn, there was a bear. The bear came into my house. It went 'roar'.  Then Daddy scared it away, Arwyn!" As soon as she finished telling her story, Nana showed up and announced that the bear had broken into her car the night before.  Now keep in mind, she may know the story about the bear coming into our house a couple years ago, but we certainly haven't talked about it recently, so it was really weird that it happened right after a bear really did come through the neighborhood!  Leia and Nana have been going to a weekly singing class, and the music CD with the songs that they sing is surprisingly good.  One really catchy tune, called Los Fandangos, Leia always tells me to skip it when in comes on.  Then the other day in the car, she actually let it stay on for awhile and she tried singing along to it with Josh instead of giving it the instant nix, but after a little she says, "Can we have a different one Daddy?  That one's too hard for me."  It was great to finally understand why she didn't like it, and not surprising at all; it is a very fast and tricky song.  But it wasn't until the next morning that Josh realized a whole other dimension about why the song is hard for her: it if full of sounds that begin with "L" and "L's" are hard for her to say!  "La lie la la lie lie lie lie, Los Fandangos!"  We got another good chuckle out of that one too.

Leia and Arwyn got their ski passes this week.  Leia was so excited about getting her pass that she totally cooperated with the whole picture taking things, and then she wouldn't put it down or let me hold it for safe keeping.  We took a ride up the Funi for fun and she held it tightly in her little paws the whole time!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving this year.  It was one of the only days that Josh and I will have off together for the rest of the season, so we spent the time together as a family and played in the snow before heading off the Nana and Poppy's for dinner.  I didn't really know if Leia would have much of a concept about it, but apparently they did spend some time learning about it in school because when she woke up that morning, we heard her over the monitor saying to her stuffed animals, "It's Happy Thanksgiving Day!"

Happy baby still loves her baths as long as Mommy doesn't water board her!

Morning bed snuggles!

These two don't love each other or anything!

Yep, too many kids in this bed!

Oh, she likes Leia's many fun things in here!

Out for a walk and in the zone.

Where's Willow?  Another trauma ensues until we found her under the pillows!

Leia reading to Arwyn; she was totally captivated.

Ready to hit the slopes!

Fired up for a ride up the Funi with her new Squaw pass!

Arwyn didn't think there was enough snow...she was not impressed.

Alright, I guess the view is pretty good from here Mom.

I guess a diaper change is way more fun than a Funi ride!

Helping Mommy in the kitchen.

Drool anyone?

Leia got pissed about being in the Bumbo pretty quickly, but at 5 months patient Arwyn is only just starting to get a little annoyed...

And here it is, her second ever "get me out of here" snooge!

Mini Ferris Bueller, relaxed and happily dreaming about her master plan for the day.

We finally got some snow!

All she wants to do is eat snow, and so far I can't deter her from dirty snow.  Clean or dirty, she just wants to eat it!

Snow slide!

It completely amazes me that a year and half later, this short little slide is still fun!

First snow angel of the season!  I thought I would have to teach her all over again, but she was showing me...apparently there's nothing they don't teach in school!

Mommy Angel and Baby Angel.

A little father-daughter bonding down by the creek...definitely a nice spot to sit!

And now for the annual Thanksgiving Family Photo Shoot:

John, Stacia, and Emmett.

Grandparents and grandkids, minus Arwyn, who was trying unsuccessfully to sleep!

Proud Mama and her two kids.

The West Coast Family

Grandparents and grandkids, minus Leia who was done with pictures after one too many family shots, and losing Emmett who lasted one picture longer.

Grandparents and lone grandchild.  After not cooperating with her nap, she agreed to be cooperative with any and all pictures for the rest of the night.

Our cute little family.  Got Leia to cooperate for one more after a short break and given the choice of Mommy's lap or Daddy's lap.  Arwyn didn't care, she was just happy to snuggle.

Leia's first attempt at taking a real picture...the front of the camera was a little heavy!

Oh Dad, you're being ridiculous!

I just love how stand ups cheer her up no matter what might have happened just prior!

Leia's second picture!

It's so fun when she's being goofy!

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