Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Leia Week 53: Spirit of Mom Ablan - 7/3/2014

Another busy week in the life of Leia. We had a few more family dinners and play days before everyone had to go home.  On Sunday we drove down to Fairfield for what would turn out to be our last visit with Mom (aka Grandma); she passed away one week later on July 5th at the age of 90. Sharp as a tack and wonderfully spirited until the day she died, just finally had to succumb to old age and disease. She lived a long, happy life was was very happy to have known her cute little great granddaughter. I love you Mom!

The following Thursday we hopped on a plane heading to Wisconsin for a week of adventures at the Rygg compound up a Bear Lake. This was our first plane trip with Leia since she was an infant, and let me tell you, traveling with a one year old is not nearly as easy as traveling with a two month old! She absolutely did not want to nap amidst all that excitement, but we did a pretty good job of keeping her relatively quiet and happy. It was exhausting and stressful! She did finally nap a little on the second plane ride, but that brought with it it's own difficulties and numb limbs...she's a lot heavier than she used to be when she falls asleep in your arms!! And finally, a few more pictures from last weeks birthday bash that came in from other cameras.

Leia, the wiggle monster, happy as a clam to lie down and snuggle with Mom.

Resting with Mom, boob tube controller in hand.

Normally she want nothing to do with this diaper changing mat.

Sweet face.

Picnic lunch at Squaw to cheer on the "Spirit of Leia" team (Cartervand Jordan) competing in the Kids Adventure Games.

The cheering squad.

My absolute favorite of the new birthday outfits.

 Hangin' with Poppy at the beach.

Wam summer days playing on the deck with the grandparents.

Sisters and cousins.

Birthday selfie with Gram Gram.

The new sand trap getting a good break-in.

Daddy, what in the world are you doing??

Seriously not happy at being made to smash her pretty cake.

Did I mention not happy!?

Jesse could really sympathize here.

Testing out the fishing rod.

Helping Dad roll the new putting green.

There's pretty much nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby.

Clapping and cheering for the Spirit of Leia team as they accepted their "Spirit Award".

Very exciting things to see out the window of a big plane!

Making a little play nook for herself on the floor of the plane between Dad's knees.

She was so interested in climbing around to check out all the people on the plane!

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