Monday, June 16, 2014

Leia Week 49: Up and Walking! - 6/4/2014

Big news this week…the few tentative steps that she has been taking have turned into full fledged walking!! She even thinks she's ready for running, but that catches up with her pretty quickly and ends in splat!  But for now her balance improves with every step, she's so proud of herself, and its really fun to watch.  Also this week she has been a very busy bee sorting through all the bowls and tupperware in the kitchen cupboards.  She seems to be cooperating with our instructions about which cupboards she's allowed in and which she is not…we'll see how long that lasts.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? You are Leia!!

New magic cure for fussy behavior...she loves hanging upside down!

Endless sorting of the tupperware drawer is her new favorite pastime.

And now she found an open bag of fun to take them all out!

Always so busy standing, walking, investigating, and sorting everything!

Nakey baby!!

Checking out the available supply of pots and pans for her next cooking extravaganza!

Yep, there's the perfect one waaay in the back here...

Always so exiting to find Dad's phone!

Hi Mom!

SS Cutie is busy learning about different birds in the Wildlife calendar.

Summer hikes with Mom.

Walking through Nana's garden all by herself!

The weather is finally warm enough to wear some cute shorts!

So exciting to be walking through the yard instead of crawling!

Bike Princess and Daddy heading to the park.

Busy redoing to deck with "Deck Over" so Leia won't get splinters!

Aunt Stacia looking so beautiful with her pregnant belly!

Crying at the door after Mommy left for work!

This big girl is already going down the slide all by herself!

Kicking Dad in the face with every swing is apparently hilarious! Such a great laugh she has.

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