Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Leia Week 9: Trip to Johnstown, PA - 8/28/13

Week 9 was an exciting week for Leia.  She had her first airplane ride ever, heading to Johnstown, PA to see all her extended family and attend her Great Grandfather's funeral.  She did really well on all the flights - definitely the quietest baby on the plane! It was so exhausting playing with so many new family and friends that she started sleeping through the night, anywhere from 7-10 hours at a time!  She also turned 2 months old.

First plane ride...slept on Daddy's lap the whole time!

Cute little hands.

Emergency diaper change at the suitcase conveyer belt after a blowout all over Dad's shirt!  Luckily this happened at arrival since only Leia had spare clothes, not her parents.

Leia and her Great Grandpa Bill.

Gram Gram play time!

Look at me, I'm getting so tall...almost 25"!

Leia is a lucky girl to have so many Great Grandparents to love her.

Playing in the pool.

Water was a little chilly, but not so bad when you snuggle with Dad.

So much real grass to play in when you go to the mid-west!

Playing chicken with the cousins...Cody was finally not the youngest and he sure enjoyed getting to torture poor Jake.

Chillin' with Great Grandy.

Snuggling with Great Grandma Viv...see, she didn't cry EVERY time you held her!:)

Leia and Grandpa enjoying their morning cuddle time.

Aww, look who loves her Daddy.

Such strong legs...definitely going to be a great athlete!

Aunt J, the baby whisperer...tears were no match for her!

First grand child just gets so much love!

Pow! Take that! I'm 2 months old today!!

Why are you doing this to me Mom?

Even though she's so big, guess she's not quite big enough for the park...

Thanks for the cool mohawk Uncle Worm!

Pretty kimono imported straight from China thanks to Uncle Cody.

Uncle Cody loves me, as long as he doesn't have to get too close!

Patiently entertained by her uncle's awkward discomfort:)

Exhausted after a big day with the whole family celebrating the life of her Great Grandpa John.

Our little family.

A proud Great Grandpa.

Such a sweet sleeping face...just makes your heart melt!

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