Friday, October 25, 2013

Leia Week 13: Moving to her Own Room - 9/25/13

We spent this week back home, recuperating from the big Bay adventure.  Had some time for catching up with friends we hadn't seen in awhile and went on our first bike ride of the summer.  But the biggest excitement was Leia moving into her very own big girl room!  The event was precipitated by the fact that she had been sleeping through the night for awhile, so we knew she was capable, but then she stopped, so why?  After a bit of research, I discovered that her sleep cycles were changing and she needed to learn how to put herself back to sleep when she wakes up at night, which meant a whole new sleeping/bed time routine, and the commencement of regular naps.  Of course, this wasn't going to be easy for anyone, but especially not Josh, who's hormones take him into shutdown mode when he hears her cry.  Hence the need for her to be in her own room and the volume on the monitor to be lowered during crying sessions!  In the end, Leia was really happy in her new room, and she's so advanced that she picked up the falling asleep routine right away!  Now we have a really good little napper, though not very consistent on the length of time, but one thing at a time right?

Constantly learning and exploring everything in sight with her mouth.

Enough Bumbo time, let me out of here!

Dressed up all warm and snuggly on her way to her big show...

Showing off all her great Abba Dancing Queen moves and costume.

Whew,  looking exhausted and disheveled after a long night of great performances!

Happy to be part of the cool Tahoe Big Truck Hat gang!

Josh, Leia, and Great Grandpa John uniformed up and ready for some Steelers football!

Look at this happy girl in her new big girl bed.

Dad was crying more than Leia about the big move!

Play time with Auntie Biby.

Leia helped chef up a delicious dinner from our veggie box: pesto chicken, fresh green beans, and Caprese. Yum!

All bundled up in her cozy new suit for a chilly fall ride in the chariot.

First successful bike ride post labor for mom and baby.

Dad is already a pro at towing.

Happy Birthday Uncle John!

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