Monday, April 30, 2012

Closing Weekend at Squaw...BBQ's and Pond Crossings 4/29/12

Sadly enough, Squaw decided to close early this year.  And like last year, we didn't get much of a spring.  Big snowstorms followed by big heat spells turned to snow to mush.  Luckily it finally rained and then sort of froze, so for our last weekend we finally got a little bit of spring corn skiing.  It was great!  We also had plenty of sunshine and friends around to help celebrate, so that is what we did, all weekend.  The season would be complete without our annual on-mountain BBQ up at the top of the old Red Dog chair.  Plenty of food, drink, music, and snow play for all.  And the grand finally was the Lake Cushing Crossing.  I entered again, this year as The Ice Goddess, named after the famous rock cliff at Squaw and wrapped head to toe in bubble wrap.  I also opted for a new challenge this year...crossing the pond on "skinny skis", which had to be 70mm or less to qualify for the prize category.  I made it across, just barely, and my costume was a definitely a fan favorite.  Unfortunately I don't think the judges would know a good costume if it hit them in the head, as the prize went to someone wearing the same thing as about 4 other people! Oh well, it's still a lot of fun!

Josh, John, Ally, Stacia, and Ryan getting the party started up at the top of Red Dog Ridge.

The day wouldn't be complete without a game of Polish Horseshoes, especially when there are many ski poles on hand! Ryan and Josh vs. Brian and John.

The view of our awesome rocks on the ridge line with Olympic Lady and the rest of Squaw in the backdrop!

John heading over to the edge for a quick view.

Evan, Ryan, Stacia, Ally, Brian, Katie, Katharine and Josh keeping it real by the old Red Dog Bull Wheel.

Don't mess with these tough chicks!
Josh, Ryan, and Katharine relaxing and enjoying the views of our favorite place.

Almost 5:00 and looks who showed up to kick us off the mountain...our friendly neighborhood ski patroller.

And finally....The Ice Goddess preparing for her amazing crossing of Lake Cushing!

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