Monday, October 24, 2011

Shirley Canyon Snow? Adventure 6/12/11

There was still so much snow everywhere, we thought we'd take a little ski in Shirley Canyon. Turns out it was a little more melted out at the bottom then we thought. We had to hike a pretty good amount on the dirt in our boots (not fun), but when we finally did find the snow, it was totally worth it. We got some really great skiing!

John, Kishka, Stacia, Josh, and Ryan taking a little break mid-way up.

Katharine was there too (just for the record)!

Cool rocky outcroppings overhead of John and Stacia.

The climb was pretty steep in some spots...

...but everyone made it to the top... to relax and ski!

Ryan arcing it up.

Even found a burried snowboard under all the 68' of snow!!

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