Monday, January 8, 2018

L&A Years 4&2 Week 27: Christmas Mania - 12/28/2017

Arwyn has been getting very mad at all of us recently, and often.  I suggested that she needed to go to her safe place, which she decided was a good idea, so she stormed into her room, slammed the door, and stayed in there for a little while.  When she came out she was a happy, changed person.  I was excited and touted it as a successful safe place visit, but 10 minutes later she was pissed all over again.  She went in and out of her safe spot several times (slamming the door every time), but didn't get calmed down like the first time.  Oh well.  She was really mad again after her nap on Christmas, and was trying to mutilate my face.  Finally she calmed down enough to tell me that what she needed to feel better was for us to go on a little car ride.  So we drove around the block several times, listening to "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" on repeat (Like we used to do when I couldn't get her to calm down earlier this summer.  Every time she hears that song she seems to really mellow out).  Eventually I needed to go home, but she did not want to.  Finally she agreed to go home but only if she ould stay in the car.  I left her in there by herself, in the garage, strapped into her carseat, drawing on her etch-a-sketch for at least 20 minutes.  The only reason I ever got her back inside was because I offered her a cookie.  So funny.  I guess her safe zone is that carseat, not her bedroom.  Arwyn woke up Christmas morning and promptly annoyed Leia by not wanting to even come out to see all the presents until she was properly toileted and dressed.  She really liked getting and unwrapping Christmas presents this year.  She was excited when we said a package was for her, she was excited for whatever the gift actually was, and then she was excited to sit in my lap to read or play with it right away.  Unfortunately there was so much going on, and Leia kept putting more presents in our faces that needed to get opened, so I couldn't really take that time that she wanted, and I felt really badly.  You could tell she was definitely a little overwhelmed by the whole thing.

Leia really had a great Christmas week, cracking us up often.  One day after school, she announced to  us that, "Ellie and Shae are my new best friends..."  Josh replied, "Oh, wow, that's great.  I'm so glad you are finding new friends to play with.  So who got voted off the island?"  He said that last part sort of off-handedly, kind of as a joke to which we already knew the answer, and thinking that Leia wouldn't get the reference.  But Leia didn't miss a beat.  Without even a pause, she responded right back, "Mackenzie and Kailyn."  Ha!  We were blown away and couldn't stop laughing because we never thought she would understand that phrase.  Leia did so well on Christmas morning this year, as far as being really polite, patient, and cooperative while waiting for Nana and Poppy to arrive.  She even went out to the driveway for awhile to be on the lookout, despite the cold morning temps.  She wanted to open one thing, but I kept saying she had to wait.  Finally she picked the smallest little gift and brought it to me to see if she could open it.  I decided this little thing was a very good way to appease her, and it ended up being the best opening experience of the morning.  It was just a little glue stick that I had gotten for her, but she was so excited: "Mommy, thank you so much!  I've really been needing one of these!"  (Even Arwyn, who didn't open hers until later ended up walking around with that little glue stick in her hand the entire rest of the day!)  Unfortunately things went downhill after that.  Leia was trying to occupy more waiting time by distributing presents into her and Arwyn's baskets when she accidentally saw inside a present for Arwyn and wanted it so badly.  I knew she was getting a package with the same beads but in necklace form, but I didn't know exactly where it was under the tree, and I was having a hard time wrestling it away from her to give back to Arwyn.  A full meltdown ensued that ruined what had started out as such an enjoyable mellow morning.  She finally calmed down when she opened her own present and saw the necklace.  And then a full frenzy of present opening ensued.  Like last year, Leia's main goal is to get all the presents distributed and opened as fast as possible, with no time for enjoyment.  Arwyn wasn't as fast, so even though they had exactly the same number, Arwyn had more presents left at the end, and Leia was wondering why Arwyn got so many more!  By the end both girls were extremely frazzled and amped and whiny and crazy.  The second best part of the morning was when I stopped the breakfast commotion and asked everyone to be quiet and say a prayer for Santa.  Everyone actually obeyed, and the following moment of silence and deep breathing was so rejuvenating and amazing.  The first thing I said when it was all over was that next year we are going to celebrate Hanukkah!  A present or two each day that everyone will actually appreciate rather than the overwhelming chaos all at once.  It literally took us the rest of the day (and a good hot tub session) to unwind, which Leia actually did, but Arwyn not so much.  It was nice to just relax at home the rest of the day and play with all the new toys rather than trying to head out for some big activity like skiing.

I learned several important things this Christmas (as I do every Christmas now that I have children), and here's what I will do better next year:
1. Wrap up or cover all gifts, even if they are in a bag.  Wandering eyes may see them at inopportune  times.
2. If someone steals a present but you know they'll probably give it back when they get their own, let them take it and avoid the meltdown.  Better to have a meltdown at the end than the beginning, and maybe you won't have one at all.
3.  Celebrate Hanukkah.  It's a good opportunity to teach children about a new religion.  Open all family gifts slowly in the days preceding Christmas, and just save a few Santa gifts for the big morning.
4. Find better present hiding places for the early weeks of December.  (This wasn't actually an issue this year, but it probably will be by next year.)

Birthday dinner from my sweet husband.  And a child-free night thanks to Nana and Poppy.

Dec 22, Day 20.  Single showing off his climbing skills!

Seems like an exhausting position to be in all day!

Sister love, sister hugs, sister time.

"Mom, take a picture of me!"

Learning from her big sister to do silly things.  "Mom, take a picture of me!"

Password = Leia

In her final lesson of the season, Leia demonstrates that she has each of the required skills to graduate from Seahorse to Turtle.

Dec 23, Day 21.  He likes the bling bling of this little tree.

Christmas  outfits modeled in front of the Christmas tree.

Our little runway models!

Not outfits I would ever think to buy, but damn, could these two be any cuter!

Always trying to outrun the camerawoman!

Auntie snuggles.

Hang on tight Stacia, they don't stay still long!

Santa's little helpers, delivering presents to the neighbors.

Cutest little elves under a beautiful tree.

Christmas Eve presents at Nana and Poppy's.

Lots of presents for Poppy.

Anxiously waiting for the present opening to begin. 

Not quite ready to just rip it open, needed help with her unwrapping.

Arwyn loved her new hats!

Love those big Christmas smiles.  Emmett was too busy to stop for one, but he was smiling on the inside.

They love getting presents, but luckily they also like watching other people get presents.

So fun to play with your new presents!

Ohh, Snowman bath bomb!

Love my Dad.

Emmett's favorite present of the evening was definitely his Gecko costume, and it sparked lots of great super hero play with these three!

Cheers Nana, Merry Christmas!

It's not too often that you get this guy to smile in a picture!

More presents!

Arwyn loves her cousin...not too many people she'd share a coloring book with.

Again with the expensive tastes, these two were hitting Nana's bowl of extra fancy nuts hard!

Super hero Gecko to the rescue!

Password = Leia

Leia, Emmett, and Arwyn are starting to have much more fun playing together at family dinner parties.  This Christmas Eve they ran around playing super hero together after Emmett received a new costume for Christmas.

Had to beg to actually get myself into a picture with this amazing little girl!

Lucky Mom!

Love the matching Christmas PJ's for the three of them from Grandma Kelly.

And the babies even got some this year too!

Password = Leia

The Sugar Plum Fairy Song started playing on Christmas Eve, and upon hearing it, Leia new the name of the song immediately, and broke out into a beautiful ballet.

Christmas Eve Dinner.

Dec 24, Day 22.  The final day!  Bingle actually came back one more time on Christmas Day because he wanted to watch the girls enjoy all their presents.

Santa's in the house!

Do you think that leaving a cookie behind is Santa's way of telling us that next year he wants homemade?

Checking out the stockings!

6:40 am.  Here we see one happy camper!

Outside on a cold frosty morning, waiting for Nana and Poppy to arrive so that they could start opening presents!

Still waiting.  Now they decided to divvy up the presents.

Arwyn was excited about getting presents this year.

And here's where things went sour...Saw that Arwyn got a little bag with some really cool looking pearls...

Oh thank goodness, a full necklace of Princess Poppy Pearls!

Now she can smile and be happy again.  And now Arwyn can have her Princess Poppy Bracelet back.

Nana was Arwyn's official present opening helper.

A look at the chaos from above.

Presents = Smiles!

Arwyn seems pretty naturally talented at making the harmonica actually sound pleasant, and with the new "how-to harmonica" book, I think she and Dad could be real pros!

Really, she's got talent!

I think all this ruckus is a little stressful for Mr. Coop.

"Wow, trolls!" Talk about excitement!

Silly billies!

Arwyn saw us pouring some mustard and declared that she wanted a squeezie.  Even after we explained that this wasn't a squeezie, she insisted, so we figured, hey, let her figure it out on her own...

Ohhh, the hot/spicy face!!

But then she recovered, took a breath, and went back for more! Mikey likes it!

She really was going to try to finish that whole squeezie of horseradish mustard, but it was too special to us, so we just squeezed a portion onto her plate and she continued to eat it with a spoon!

Eric Rygg, she I guess she really likes your mustard!

Back to Nana's for Christmas dinner.  Emmett got more super hero costumes to share that were a big hit!  Arwyn is Cat Girl!

Really, you just can't go wrong with a mask and a cape...hours of fun and amusement!

Merry Christmas from these cute little goofs!

Some comfy movie watching beds.

Day after Christmas was a fun Daddy/Poppy ski day!

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