Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Arwyn Week 103: Arwyn Finally Says "Arwyn"! - 6/8/2017

Arwyn is talking so much these days, and she started saying her own name for the first time this week!  Her variety of 3 word sentences continues to expand, and she loves repeating things we say to her and saying them back to us, changing the "I" to "you" for vice versa.  She describes everything she's seeing, and one of her cutest things she says is "Uh John" for Uncle John.  She's really improving on her potty training, especially at school.  The other day she came home with the same dry diaper that she went to school wearing, so clearly used the potty successfully all day long!  She's not as consistent at home, but that's because we don't make any effort to help her; it's all self-motivated, and therefore easier at school where she sees her some of her peers doing the same thing.  Arwyn continues to be our little star helper.  She even picks up messes around the house without being asked.  The other day we walked into the bathroom to use the potty, and before she sat down, she picked up all the blocks that were scattered on the floor and put them back in the box, and I never even said a word.  Another time in my bedroom, she grabbed a hat off the table that happened to contain a bunch of little beads that spilled all over the floor.  I acknowledged the accident, and was about to suggest that we pick it up later (I was in a bit of a hurry), but she just started picking it all right up and putting it back on the table without being asked.  So smart and neat!  At least I have 1 person in my entire family who will help not leave a total mess everywhere she goes!  Arwyn has had a little cold all week, and all of a sudden spiked a small fever at the end of the school day.  She had to stay home for 24 hours after the fever, so she had her very first Arwyn only, no Leia Daddy Day ever!  She really didn't end up being sick that day (Josh was convinced she pulled her first Ferris Bueller faking of sickness symptoms), so the two of them had a grand old time together.  She got to pick her own TV shows, dictate the walk and activity schedule, and generally be in charge of all the things that Leia usually is in charge of.  It was nice for Josh too, to have all that nice solo time with Arwyn.  We had two more breast feeding sessions this week, but mostly because she was feeling sick and cranky, and clearly needed a little mommy bonding time.  She did finish the session by looking up at me saying, "All gone."  Obviously there isn't much milk left, and as she's felt better, she hasn't asked for it any more, so I feel good about providing it for the few limited times that she needed the comfort and possibly the extra nutrition.

Leia is still so cute and spunky and sweet when she wants to be, but man, she is in a bad phase right now!  She is contradictory all the time, just for the sake of wanting everything to be her way or the highway.  She fights me on everything, won't take bribery for sunscreen application cooperation, if you give her 5, she asks for 6; if you give her 6 she asks for 7.  The constant testing of us is so frustrating and exhausting!  She did have a total blast when we went to the Reno Aces baseball game.  She ran into her friend Hawk there, and the two of them hung out the whole time.  I don't think she watched the actual game for even a second (neither did Arwyn or I, for that matter).  She did drink a bunch of soda for the first time ever, and ate 2 cookies and an ice cream, so by the time we left she was so high on sugar it was insane!  She talked, sang,  and was totally wired the whole way home, which was driving the rest of us tired people crazy (did I mention it was nap time?)  By the time we got home, I was so tired and a little car-sick, so I made some comment about being sick and needing the window open, but Leia heard it differently: "Mom, are you going to throw yourself out the window?"  Yes Leia, at this point that would be preferable!  It was pretty funny.  She was also funny one morning on the way to school.  She's always asking me stuff about what she see's out the window, so I've been actually trying to keep it scientific and factual, because it's clear she's smart enough to understand.  One of our past lessons has been about trees taking CO2 and turning it into the oxygen we breath in, and that's why it's important to take care of our earth and our environment.  So this week she was looking out the window and saw a couple dead trees and totally freaked out: "Mom, the trees are dying!  What are we going to do? Oh this is so bad, we won't have air to breath and we won't have any trees left.  Oh, this is so bad!  I have to tell Allison (her teacher)."  It was so funny how concerned she was about a few dead trees, and so impressive how she really did comprehend the gravity of the situation, and that she should be concerned with nature.  We decided that part of Leia's defiance may have to do with being jealous of all the attention Arwyn gets, and her needing a little more attention from us.  Since Arwyn missed a day of school, we decided to send her off alone the next day instead, and keep Leia home for a special Mommy/Leia day.  Leia and I had a really great day together, and it really was therapeutic for both of us.  Leia understood right away that the days was indeed special, and that made her feel good.  I resolved to give all my attention to Leia, so I just relaxed and didn't really stress about not getting other things done.  Plus, I only had to worry about one kid, so that was easier for me too.  All those things resulted in us spending good quality time together doing all the things that Leia wanted, so there was no fighting, no fussing, and no jealousy.  I ended the day being happy with Leia, not angry, so my spirits were lifted, and I felt refreshed and rejuvenated, and ready to handle Leia on positive terms.  Leia ended the day feeling satisfied and empowered, so she was much more cooperative.  The good vibes last a few days for both of us, but unfortunately not forever, and we soon went back to the old ways.  Well, not totally, I'm still feeling like I'm in a better place to deal with stuff that she throws at me.  My only regret was that I didn't take a single picture of the Leia/Mommy day, probably because I was too busy living in the moment!  Anyway, we had an epic adventure hunting for treasure around the Farmer's Insurance Office waiting for someone who never arrived, we met a nice lady who gave us a treasure bag and maps, as well as other neat trinkets and treasures, then we followed our map over to Donner Lake to find more treasure, and finally went home to watch a little TV and hang bee traps.  OK,  I lied, I did multitask a little, but I was able to make it all fun and get Leia to buy in on it for once, so it was fine;)

I wanted Leia to help decorate her birthday invitations, which she did beautifully, but only on this one.  Then she just started making her own, which unfortunately didn't have any of the party details on them, although she insisted that they did!

The grandkids, laughing and keeping it really classy for Nana's birthday dinner.

Fun with flowers.

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn's been saying "Happy Ju Ju," and we finally figured out that it means Happy Birthday when she started singing it to the tune of the birthday song.  And now we finally got it on video!

Off to hunt for Grandma packages!

Arwyn enjoying her new princess throne made of present boxes...so appropriate!

Wow, now Arwyn and Leia have matching "Fia" dresses! (Arwyn says "Fia" instead of "Sophia")

And here comes a new princess, Esmerelda, looking very fancy!

Password = Leia

Looks like Leia's been taking shoe tying lessons from her Dad, who also can't tie his own shoes!  Looks like a good attempt though:)

Excuse me Mom, you missed a spot over there!

When the screaming and whining gets to be too much, just steal your kid's sound canceling headphones!

Daddy and Leia's most ridiculous fort yet...the wall is made of all her favorite dresses!

Reading to Kyle at their pretend slumber party.

Ryan and Biby actually said it was ok to use their bed as a trampoline...the kids love going to their house now: trampolines and treasure hunts!

Leia and Kyle were really fired up on this whole sleepover thing...can't wait till Uncle Ry and Auntie Biby really invite the kids to spend the night!

Little girl, big tractor.

So fun to drive tractors!

Not a bad spot for a little R&R.

Wow, 4 quiet kids all at the same time...must be a boob tube on the other wall!

Family fun day at the Reno Aces Baseball game!

Free buffet, picnic table, open lawn seating, and a kiddie playground...they know how to attract families to this stadium!

Leia and her friend Hawk munching on cookies.

Arwyn was quite intrigued by all the sight seeing and people watching.

Dad's lap was definitely the best seat in the house!

Love my little Super Girl!

She really liked watching the warm up pitchers.  Usher tried to make us leave, saying the pitchers didn't like to be watched over the fence...Really?  They are professional entertainers getting paid to be watched!! Give me a break!

Getting silly on sugar!

Password = Leia

You can never be quite sure if Josh is entertaining himself or the kids more, but most importantly they are all having fun and getting good exercise!

Awe, sick baby has a fever!

Rain boots, bathing suit, and tutu...this girl definitely drums to a different beat!

She's full of spirit though!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn's first Daddy Day all to herself was full of Leia-free fun!  Yummy breakfast, picking her own TV shows, walks when she wanted them, and 99% of Daddy's attention.  Oh yeah, and lots of talking:)

Aghh, it's the Googie Monster!  Fun filled Arwyn-Daddy Day.

Darth Vader is coming for the silly one dressed in padded suit!

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