Monday, April 3, 2017

Arwyn Week 92: 21 Months Old and Camera Averse - 3/23/2017

Arwyn has been very interested in using the potty for awhile now, but often she would just want to sit on it FOREVER and nothing would happen.  But now she's actually going to the bathroom when she sits on the potty!  She's done it a few times at school, and this week when she went to Emmett's house and saw his little tent potty in the living room, she insisted on using it and actually went pee!  She always asks to be changed when she poops in her diaper, so I think potty training for her could potentially be sooner and easier than with Leia.  Guess we'll see...  Arwyn has also gotten so good at the stairs.  She's always been an animal on the stairs since day one, insisting on taking them face forward like an adult rather than the safe way of going down backwards.  And now she's graduated to taking them left-right, left-right like a regular adult as well (as opposed to always leading with the same leg).  So advanced!  Plus, ever since she spent a couple days playing on the nice carpeted stairs over at the Ryggs' house, she insists on two-footed hopping down the stairs every time: "Hop, hop, hop. I hoppy!" she says.  The problem is that it just doesn't work so well barefoot on our wooden steps, and the carpeted steps coming down from my bedroom are really steep and long.  But she doesn't care, doesn't listen to me, and just keeps hopping.  We made popcorn for Josh and Leia to take  to the movies, and Arwyn saw what Leia had and insisted that she get "cop po" too.  She spent the next hour eating and talking about her "cop po."  And right now she's calling yogurt something that sounds like "mellow" or "yellow," and it's so cute.  We are still having a ton of communication breakdown tantrums, but at least she always ends the day sweetly.  Her new thing is to reach her head up to kiss me right after I finishing singing to her, as I'm shushing her and laying her down in bed.  It's so sweet.  Arwyn is starting to get really good at throwing.  She uses almost perfect form, taking a step forward with her left foot as she throws the object with her right arm.  And the objects are really starting to have a good trajectory!  She was really upset when Josh and Leia went off to the movies without her, so to calm her down we went outside for a walk.  She found a little creek of "wa wa" on the side of the road, and spent the next 40 minutes just throwing rocks into the water.  She was pleased as punch.  It's funny though, I had started to get worried that she might be left handed because she kept drawing, using her spoon, and throwing left handed more often than right, so I kept trying to see if I could get her back to right handed by putting something in her left hand so she couldn't use it.  I don't know if I actually accomplished anything, but now it seems like every time she's throwing, she actually has a snack cup in that left hand and has to throw righty.  It still might mean that she's lefty because maybe that's why she holds the food in the left hand!  I guess only time will tell...

Leia has been choosing her own clothes to wear for a long time now (probably a year and a half, if not more), and her sense of style is rather eclectic, to say the least.  But that's what makes her unique, right?  Anyway, this week she was getting herself dressed, and for this first time in weeks she actually chose something slightly normal in the pink family that almost matched (i.e., not a leotard or bathing suit), but then she threw on a pair of orange socks with a brown reindeer from Frozen on them.  She looks up at me and says, "Well, these socks don't match, but they sure are pretty!"  I burst out laughing.  There was nothing pretty about those socks, but at least she did comprehend that they didn't match!  At school, Leia does something called "stations," where they rotate around the room to do different activity stations, like sorting or art or reading, etc.  She loves to play school at home, so often we pretend to be doing things at different stations.  Well this week she took it to a whole new level.  I was asking her to help clean up her room by hanging up a few dresses she had thrown on the floor, and she said to me, "No thanks Mommy, I don't want to help.  You can go to the room cleaning station."  Mind you, we were not playing school at the time!  Only 3.5 and she's so conniving!  She did fill my bucket this week when she was coloring one day: "This picture is going to be beautiful like my mommy."  Josh decided to have his first father-daughter movie theater experience this week since he saw that Beauty and the Beast was playing at the theater in Tahoe City.  He asked Leia if she would like to go to the "theater" and she was soooo excited.  She jumped up, announcing that she had to get dressed and pick a nice outfit, and then was running around insisting on gathering all sorts of snacks and a couple toys to bring in her special back pack.  It was so cute.  Josh said the ladies at the ticket box were admiring her "nice outfit," and wished they could still just wear whatever they wanted without worrying about what other people thought!

"Well, these socks don't match, but they sure are pretty!" says Leia.

Early morning sunrise from the top of Alpine.

Early bird (Josh) gets the pretty sunrises.

First time in probably 5 years that I've gotten to ski Smoothies, and it did not disappoint!  Almost forgot how to find it though!

This huge roof glacier has fractured near the top and is slowly sliding down...not going to be good when it finally falls off!

It's spring, lets run and shout and let it all out!

The kid loves to be outside, always smiling!

Visiting our injured Nana and raiding her closet of all sorts of beautiful clothes while she can't catch us!

Leia and Poppy were having an encore St. Patty's day scarf party.

Leia really does design some very fashionable headwear.

This walker doubles as a set of monkey bars!

Fun digital puzzel time.

Even stuck on the couch, Nana is able to entertain everyone!

Josh and his old buddy working hard at the U14 Regional Championships.

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn loves to build high towers (this one was almost as tall as she was), but she also loves to knock her towers down, clearly having no attachment issues with her great creations (unlike her Mom and sister)!

Password = Arwyn

After losing her first tall tower, Arwyn decides that knocking down towers is more fun than building them, so she starts economizing: only make them tall enough to get a good smash!

21 Months old and no longer interested in these monthly photo shoots, at all!  Good thing I only have 3 left!!

Once I started taking off clothes, she remembered that she didn't want to wear a diaper anymore, insisted on wearing underwear only, and then peed on the floor 5 minutes later when she was still pissed about the pictures!

Tried to distract with a toy, which was somewhat interesting, but certainly not smile worthy.

Still not happy about wearing clothes at all.

"Help, somebody let me out of here and get me away from this crazy camerawoman!"

"Ok, I peed on the floor, Leia is awake, and I'm climbing on stools and eating is good again!"

Watch out Leia, there's a monkey on your head!!

There's my big, happy, silly 21 month old!

Cheese!  Pretty straight teeth so far, think they'll stay that way?

Playing a new game where she was trying to keep her eyes closed and peek out the cracks.

I see you!

Smiling because she thinks she's so tricky!

Just peeking through the can't see me again mom!

"Ha ha, this game is funny!"

"Now you see me..."

"Now you don't!"

And here we finally got it, the winner smile!

Laughing at her silly sister.

Bellied up to the bar and spinning on the fun stools.

Fun week torturing our visiting Uncle Q (aka, Quiros or Uncle "V" when you don't really know the letter Q yet!"

Nothing better than an afternoon of throwing rocks into the water.  Here's the windup...

...with a perfect release and follow through.

"Wa wa, Mommy, wa wa!"  I guess the water was just calling for those rocks!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn's throwing arm is really coming along these days, and so is her whole throwing form.  She's figured out on her own that the best technique is to step with the left foot as you're throwing with the right.  And the rocks are going far!

Wish I had written down what this was supposed to much detail!

Rain drop

Tracing her name and using stamps made of food.

Each week is a new letter.  Here is O for Octopus.

I like the color scheme of this one.

Arwyn is getting much more elaborate.

N is for newspaper.

Another vibrant masterpiece by Arwyn.

I like this one because she had to stick a little "o" sticker on each dot, and then she also colored them in.  Such a great job of centering each sticker!

I think this one is a rainbow.

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