Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Arwyn Week 85: The Boot Ballerinas - 2/2/2017

Arwyn had herself a pretty fun week this week.  She was a total maniac when we were doing FaceTime with Grandma and PopPop.  She was running all around, jumping, yelling, talking, kissing, and generally showing off like a crazy girl.  It was pretty funny.  She really liked watching the video of FaceBook of her friend Julia, from school, who was sledding in her yard.  She kept saying "Ju-ee, Ju-ee," and wanted to watch it over and over and over.  It was so cute.  We had a fun day sledding with Stacia, Emmett, and the Olcotts, and Arwyn really enjoyed the crazy sled rides.  I was nervous myself, and we ended each run by crashing in a pile of snow and almost toppling over, so I thought she might not like it, but Arwyn had a big grin every time and was happy to keep going back for more.  Arwyn is still enjoying dragging her stool over to the sink to "help" me wash dishes and make food.  She's also just starting to pay a little attention to the TV when Leia is watching, but is also more than happy to leave it to do more fun things.  This makes me happy because they say kids shouldn't watch TV until age 2, but with all the TV that Leia watches, it would be hard to keep Arwyn away if she really cared about it, so luckily she doesn't.  Arwyn had made huge progress on her eating habits.  The other day I saw her keep her spoon level while feeding herself soup, and she did not spill any off her spoon!  For awhile she was even holding the spoon properly, with a more underhanded hold (which I captured in a video), but when I tried to take a picture as well, she was back to the overhanded grab.  Oh well.  She's going back and forth between wanting to sit at the big girl table vs. still being happy in her high chair.  I can't figure out why it changes from day to day.  Arwyn has been in the Toddler Room at school for over a month now, and she absolutely loves it.  She loves her teachers, her activities, and her classroom so much that she now runs off to do stuff the moment we arrive without even saying goodbye!  I'm just happy to be able to leave without tears, so it's alright.  After last week's solo skiing success, we tried out the ski leash on Arwyn with week, but it did not turn out so well.  It was snowing really wet, sticky snow, and she kept catching her edges and falling.  We only took a few runs before she wanted to go in, but I didn't really blame her because the conditions were pretty miserable.

Leia is very interesting in organizing her clothes lately.  Unfortunately, her idea of organizing entailed laying them all out on the floor in special piles.  Not quite the same as my idea of organized, especially when keeping her room clean is a constant battle.  I finally convinced her that it would be better if they were "organized" inside her closet.  She had a great day of playing over at Echo's house without me even being there.  They played imaginary games, fighting monsters, etc.  Leia usually gets pissed when I say I have to leave on one of her "Mommy Days," but this week she was actually happy when I told her that Nana was coming over while I went off to work at Squaw for the morning, so that was a relief and made it super easy to get out the door without tears.  She cracked us up one evening when we were out having a little family hot tub session.  It was getting a little dark, and she looked up and saw one really bright star in the sky.  She yells out, "Look, it's the second star to the right, home of Baby Jesus and Jake and Captain Hook and Izzy!"  I swear, the stuff she comes up with!  (Second star the right and straight on till morning is a reference from Peter Pan and how you get to Neverland, in case anyone missed that...)  We had another week of ski school, and it was again pretty cold, wet, and snowy.  Leia persevered and didn't even seemed bothered by the weather.  Nana rewarded her with a special lunch up at the mountain when she was done.   We tried to sell her on french fries and corn dogs, but all she wanted for her special treat was a muffin!  She's been making them at school, and it seems to be her new favorite thing.

Level spoon, no soup spillage...go Arwyn!

Sledding party with Aunt Stacia, Emmett, the Olcotts.

Fun little gang of sledders!

Emmett can never resist hamming it up for a great portrait session!

Getting silly.

So fun to have a friend next door!

Leia likes to lay out her clothes for the next day, even gets down to the details like necklaces and headband choice!

Pulled everything out of her closet to "organize" it on the floor.

My little "Boot Ballerinas"!

Leia likes to ham it up for the camera while we try to get Arwyn to actually smile...

Silly to the left, silly to the right, tongue out...

...and back to the smile, but Arwyn is still stone cold serious.

Sitting on the chair, modeling her cute suit, until Leia comes along to sit on the floor...

If big sister does it, little sister follows...Arwyn got off her stool to snuggle up right next to Leia.

Leia dominating the snowplow laps, and she even started getting into some direction changes!

Password = Leia

Day 3 of her ski school and Leia perseveres over the stormy conditions to master her snow plow on the "big" Magic Carpet.

Like her sister, Arwyn loves to build the tallest and skinniest towers possible.

Wow, Leia, that's getting pretty high!

Pretty good skills to build a narrow tower on wheels that's over a foot taller than she is!

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