Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Arwyn Week 83: Arwyn Is Now 19 Months and Tantruming - 1/19/2017

Arwyn has started crying and tantruming often now.  In fact, she pretty much tantrums every time she doesn't get what she wants.  Luckily, she enjoys doing most things, and in comparison to some doesn't have too many needs, but oh man, when those needs aren't met, watch out!  She's still not as difficult as Leia was at this age, but it's still making life really difficult because we are used to Arwyn being the easy, mellow one, and we still have to deal with Leia issues on top of Arwyn issues (or more specifically, Arwyn issues cause Leia issues because she's getting a little jealous of where our attention goes).  Nothing's easy, let me tell you!  One of Arwyn's new needs is having "Jake Fruit" (aka. fruit snacks).  Until now, I've only given them to Leia and Arwyn didn't seem to mind being denied, but now she had some at Nana's during the power outage, and she will no longer tolerate being denied.  In fact, anything that Leia gets, Arwyn wants too.  We had a couple fun days getting outside in the snow to play.  However, it was so deep that we couldn't get down to our back yard.  There's no longer access off the deck from our house, so we climbed up the snow banks on the road, but I was post-holing to my waist, so I had to carry the girls one at a time and when I tried to leave Arwyn along, she started screaming.  In the end we just played up on the banks by the road where we had started, and had plenty of fun right there.  The next day I build a snow tunnel slide in our driveway, and Arwyn did a great job sliding down it when I let go, but I guess it was a little scarier than a regular park slide, because she sure was pissed at me!  We took Leia to her first ski lesson, and Arwyn was watching her with me and yelling "Leia" for about 30 minutes straight...good little cheerleader!  Then Arwyn, Poppy, and I went skiing, and she got her first powder turns ever!  She was a great sport, didn't seem to mind being out in the blizzard at all, and after every run I kept asking her if she was "all done" or wanted "more."  Usually she's very adamant when she's all done, and she was not saying that, so we kept going back for more.  She is pretty stone faced most of the time, but I did get her hollering for joy, so I'm pretty sure she was having fun.  She was totally exhausted from the whole thing though because she took her first ever 3 hour nap (and I actually had to wake her up)!

Leia has been cracking me up with her constant references to "last year."  She seems to understand that it refers to something that happened in the past, but is not too clear on the time frame because she says "last year" whether she's talking about something that happened yesterday, last week, last month, or last summer.  "Mom, remember last year when you fell in the snow and we were laughing?"  That actually happened a few days ago, but yes, I remember!  It was finally a beautiful day outside so I wanted to get the girls out, but I was having the hardest time getting Leia to go.  She did have a great time once we were out, so I just don't understand why she always resists it so much.  She was a little trooper to test out my tunnel slide, and she actually scooted through twice before she decided she was over it (I think because she kept getting snow down her pants).  Leia had her first day of ski school.  She cried about it all morning, insisting that she didn't want to go, but once I started promising treats (a special movie and popcorn) she finally decided to at least get in the car and give it a try.  We had to wait almost 30 minutes in the car while the road was closed for avalanche control, so by the time we got there, everyone was just excited to get out of the car and do anything.  And then seeing all the other kids, meeting her instructor, and just being out in the snow with her skis and stuff, she forgot all about not wanting to do it, and went off with them no problem.  When we picked her up, the first thing she yelled to us was, "I had so much fun!"  She was very excited, told us all about everything she did and learned (pizza, french fries, and taking off her own skis), and said she wanted to come back again.  Yay!  The best part was, she did it in the storm and didn't seem to be bothered, so that was good too.  Then we followed it up with a fun dinner party with the Shirleys, and she had so much fun playing with Audra and dressing her up in all her princess costumes.  It was very cute, and so nice to have adult conversations while they all went off and played on their own for the first time ever!  Wahoo!  And finally, in other good news, my local grocery store has been out of the only two flavors of squeezies that Leia likes, so she hasn't been eating them at all (apparently she's rather have nothing than any alternative).  I have been saving so much money, and she seems to have totally moved on, not asking for 10 a day.  At first I was pissed they kept being out of them, but clearly the store has done me a great favor!

Excited about her new "boots," not excited to pose for a picture.

Getting buried by snow...this is the second time in 2 weeks weeks that we've cleared off the deck when it's been higher than the deck railings!

Motivated for another gourmet date night dinner.

Climbing up the roadside berms to play because there was no other way to access our yard!

Big smiles, having fun.

Falling into waste deep snow is soooo funny!

My two little cuties.

My little silly and her stone faced sister.

Ok, I think Arwyn is finally cracking a smile!


The path to our back yard...I was post-holing up to my waste!

The street is down to one lane, and the berms are high...we felt like we were at the top of the world!

Rock climbing up the banks.

Password = Leia

When the snow is too deep, you have to find new places to snow plow piles!

This was a fall to the floor tantrum, but I swear I see a little grin there!

"Charge the camera-woman!"

Little miss innocent!

Looking devious...

"Who me?"

Looking fabulous in fur...thanks MumMum!

"Camera again?  Charge!!!!"

Password = Leia

Never short on imagination, here we see Leia leading the charge to "Bap the Trolls" with Poppy and Arwyn.  Today's weapons of choice are elastic workout bands.

Leia was so excited to give Aunt Stacia the birthday bracelet that she beaded and wrapped all by herself!

Leia has decided she wants to dress Arwyn just like Princess Leia with her ballet outfit and light saber!

Per usual, these two never smile in the same picture...this time it's Arwyn's turn.

Silly sisters looking like twins!

Goofy poses!

So silly!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn makes the cutest "Shhhh" sounds, and now she's using them on her baby dolls too!

Password = Leia (below)

Leia has always been good at rocking babies, but she's adding new homemade lyrics to her game!

Big shoveling going on here!

The snow is so high we made this awesome tunnel!

Password = Leia

Arwyn went flying down, but Leia had to scoot...guess my slide needs a little more work.

Password = Arwyn (below)

She loves regular slides at the park, but for some reason, Arwyn wasn't too psyched about my awesome snow tunnel slide!

Arwyn was not too happy about being sent through the tunnel!

Leia likes to take the disciplinary action of Arwyn into her own hands...I guess she thinks 8 (rather than my usual 1) rubber bands ought to be sufficient to keep Arwyn out of a cabinet she's actually allowed in!

First day of ski school!!  All smiles now, hard to believe she was in tears about this earlier!

Poppy was the one in tears after class when Leia couldn't stop talking about how much fun she'd had!

And there's Arwyn, just doing her people watching thing and checking it all out.

Watching and yelling for Leia out the window!

She felt pretty important charging through the lodge like a pro-skier!

Checking out the powder...yup, looks pretty deep!

Arwyn's first fresh powder tracks!

Love this little monster!

There goes Leia, waiting her turn at the bottom of the magic carpet.

And she's half way up, having loaded onto it all by herself! (White helmet, blue jacket, striped pants)

Down the hill, all by herself again, working on her pizza!

Flying past the boys with her French Fries!

Successful day of storm powder skiing for both my little Storm Troopers!

Load up and head out!

"Who me? 19 months? Yep!"

So strong, lifting up that heavy wooden stool all by herself.

Calling up Grandma on her cell phone with her foot!

So excited to jump on Mommy!

"Hey there, here I am!"

Sweet little face.

Big goofy grins.

Loves to laugh!

She just makes me want to laugh, all the time.

Back to the serious side of Arwyn.

Getting so tall!

Love those penetrating eyes.

Giggle puss!

And for the finale...her signature move of charging the cameraman!

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