Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Arwyn Week 63: Arwyn Runs Free! - 8/1/2016

Arwyn is still really loving her Daddy more than anyone else this week.  If he comes into the room, she cries and reaches for him, even if I'm already holding her.  She's still really needing to be held in our arms all the time, and she bursts into a screaming tantrum every time you try to put her down.  It's really frustrating because we are so used to Arwyn being the quiet, easy one.  All this crying is not quiet or easy!  She's super picky with her food.  Sometimes she'll just look at something and decide she's not interested in eating it, and will just bat it away.  It's so aggravating because she won't even try it sometimes, how can she know she won't like it when it didn't even get near her lips.  Leia wasn't nearly this picky when she was this age, but she sure it now.  So if Arwyn is starting out 10x more picky now, what are we in for at age 2????  Oy vay, we sure are in trouble!  Arwyn does like bacon (which Leia wouldn't touch until just recently, so I guess there's that), and it makes Josh so happy.  She kept pointing at it to ask for more, more, more, until Josh decided maybe he wasn't so happy because if there girls eat all the bacon, then there's not enough for him!  We went up to the soccer field to play one day, and Arwyn just loved all that big open space.  She was running around like crazy, and just laughing and giggling...so much freedom!  She's still waking up a lot at night and moaning, but I still can't figure out exactly what it is.

Leia has her first day of her new Pre-3 class at school.  I think this is the equivalent of what other people call pre-school, but it was a pretty uneventful switch for us since it really just meant going into a different classroom each day, and she's already been spending a lot of time in that class over the last couple months, so it was a pretty seamless transition.  But it is a major step because she couldn't go there until she was potty trained, and they do step up the curriculum a bit more and have the kids be more independent.  She's getting so grown up!  It was pretty funny because she was reporting in to Josh about all the new rules of the new class, listing off all the things she's not supposed to do, but then she goes off and adds in all these ridiculous "Leia" things that she made up: "Can't climb trees, can't jump off buildings, etc."  She sure has a great imagination.  Even though Arwyn has gotten pretty big these days, Leia still affectionately refers to her as "My Baby."  "I want to kiss my baby, I want to sing to my baby."  Sometimes I think she's talking about her baby dolls, but it always turns out to be Arwyn.  She's very possessive and loving of her little sister, when she's not stealing stuff out of her hands, kicking her, or knocking her over that is!

Waving with joy at being allowed to seat and eat by herself in a big girl chair at the dining room table!

This cute little fan is ready for the new season in her cozy new Steelers jammies!

Slides = smiles!

Such a big slide for such a little person!

Arwyn's not afraid, bring it on!

"Whoa, maybe this was a little scarier than I thought it would be!"

Waving to all the strangers at the park.

Busy with art time...Arwyn loves to try doing what Leia does!

Come on over for a game of Steelers Corn Hole!

Finally grew into her track suit and she's ready for her next workout!

Aproned up for a big multimedia glueing art project.

The ski chair may have turned into another toy storage box, but that will not stop Arwyn from using it properly.

I just can't ever get enough of this sweet little face!

Looking up to big sis for a little playing inspiration.

Scrunch-nose face...her new regular!

Password = Arwyn

Josh wanted the girls to like bacon, until he realized they are eating all his bacon!

Nice day for a family ride to the park.

Leia is so balanced and confident on the random bike; she kept alternating between no hands and no feet!

Run, run run, I'm free at last!

Playing chase with Dad.

She just loves to laugh and laugh...it's nice to know she's having a good time so much!

Treasure hunting...what else?

Hey you!

Leia hosted a princess dance ball.  Arwyn and I were invited.  We had to wear gowns, tiaras, and necklaces.

The following montage of pictures shows Leia's great ball dancing moves and spins...

Yep, she's a great dancer (and singer)!

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