Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Leia Week 95: Leia's Celebration of the California Winter - 4/22/2015

Even though the snow has basically been gone for awhile now, and the last couple times we took her skiing she was only marginally interested, Leia has had a resurgence in her interest for skiing this week.  She keeps asking to put on her ski boots and skis, and proceeds to walk around the house and yard in her full get up (jacket, hat, glasses, and mikos are also all required).  It's quite hilarious...we even had to get all dressed up and walk down to Nana and Poppy's the other morning to go skiing in their living room.  Josh called it "Leia's celebration of the California Winter."  Of course, when I ask her if she wants to go to the mountain to ski and ride the Funi, she says no, so I guess fake skiing is good enough for now.  It's actually really good practice, as far as I'm concerned, because she's working on walking with those big awkward sticks on her feet, as well as turning around, and even getting back up from a fallen position.  All of these things are of course more tricky on the slippery snow, but having the skill foundation will be essential.

This week we also found Josh's old China boy suit from when he was Leia's age.  It was one of those things that we were waiting until she grew into it, so I'm lucky I didn't forget about it and miss the golden opportunity.  Fortunately I pulled it out at just the right time and it fit perfectly.  And then my Mom produced the cute little China girl shoes that I had when I was little (I also had the almost exact same suit, but that seems to be missing), so we had a fun photo-op day in that little costume.

My quote of the week is that my daughter is perfectly pleasant to be around and very well behaved as long as you do exactly what she wants.  Sounds like I'm spoiling her right?  Well, I only do what she wants within reason (we still have our manners and rules), but I just don't have the energy to fight her.  I have to pick my battles.  I just hope that I'm not being too lenient.  For example, I used to give Josh a hard time for letting her stay in her PJ's all day, but now I'm the one doing it because she hates to put on regular clothes!  And I'd like to get outside and take a walk, but most of the time Leia would rather stay inside and play so that she doesn't have to get real clothes on...so fine, we stay inside!  And everything I read says not to make meal time a fight and that toddlers are finicky eaters, won't eat if they don't want to and will eat if they are hungry.  So fine, I eat when I'm hungry and if she doesn't want to, I don't fight her.  It's not like she's asking for food all day long, as opposed to at meal time, it's more like she could care less about eating at all!  Although, usually once she see's me eating she decides she might as well eat after all!

Agreed to get dressed today, but this is the outfit she picked out and insisted on wearing...hat, bib, fancy shoes and all!

Cruising down to Nana and Poppy's...still thinking she needs a hat and mikos when we go outside even though it's warm out these days...she'll learn about the new summer rules soon!

Loving playing on MorMor's rope swing!

Learning about bubbles today!

Helping MorMor water her garden.

It's been quite the action packed afternoon, and we still found time to dig up sand buckets by the creek!

Thanks to Poppy for escorting us home (and giving uppies), otherwise she would never leave!

"I need my boots!  I need my skis!"

Had no interest in heading to the mountain, skiing on the grass was just fine!

Big thumbs up for summer skiing!

Getting up from a fallen position is quite difficult for beginner skiers...but not for this little champ!

Leia Skis the California Drought! from Katharine Transue on Vimeo.

Roly-poly on the ball!

Looks like soccer is in our future!

So much fun to adventure around the yard!

Goofy selfie with Mommy...

...followed by smash mommy!

Golden wings!

One of her cutest smiles is when she's trying to shut you out of her room...little devil!

Today Leia wanted to take her ski adventure out of the house...still not to the mountain, just down the street!

Nana, Poppy, I'm here to ski...did you groom any runs for me??

Yep, this run down the living room will do just fine!

Snuggles and giggles with Poppy!

Modeling Daddy's old China boy Suit.

I don't think they used to wear sunglasses in China, but it makes a nice addition!

Thanks to Nana, we added my old China girl shoes to the ensemble!

Out to the yard for photo shoot part 3.

Mom, enough with the pictures, I'm trying to talk on the phone here!

Snuggles with Daddy!

It's electrifying!

Cute feet with cute shoes!

"Hi Grandma. Mommy here. Daddy here. Leia here."

Sweet face!

I just love this one.

Pretty sure the new baby has electric super powers! (31 Weeks here)

Our little family:)

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