Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Leia Week 37: First Finger Foods! - 3/12/2014

Leia started eating "real food" at 6.5 months, but that has mostly consisted of puréed fruits and veggies, with a few chunks thrown in here and there. We've also kept control of the spoon in our hands, mostly to avoid the mess! Well, this week Leia got to take control! Josh found these great little rice cakes called Banana Mum Mums, which dissolve in her mouth, so it's a very low choke hazzard. Good thing because the baby instruction manual said to scatter a bunch of pieces and replace each piece as she ate it, but she just kept putting one piece after another into her mouth without stopping...a little game of baby chubby bunny! Decided we better go to a two pieces at a time, eat, swallow, then two more routine. And she loves it!! We don't even get food on the floor because she wants to eat it all!!  Leia also got sick yet again this week, but this time she had a fever and was really uncomfortable and miserable. When the thermometer hit 102 and was accompanied by lots of screaming, we headed to the doctor. But a couple doses of Tylenol later and she was back in action.

Are you really handing me something that I'm ALLOWED to put in my mouth and eat??

Yep, I'll take more of these please!

Yay, this is awesome! Yum yum yum!

Apparently being at the doctor is still so much fun that it distracted her from how crappy she felt!

They have great toys here Mom!

Preferred new sleeping position: taco'd in half with her head on her monkey in her lap!

Thank you to Worm for finding Josh a wine glass with a proper serving size!

Leia is a little jealous that her bottles aren't that big!

"Ok, looks like the coast is clear, let's go for a jail break!" ...Sorry Leia, you're on Candid Camera!

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