Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leia Week 16: Working in the Yard- 10/16/2013

This week we took advantage of some nice weather to get a bunch of outdoor projects done before the snow flies. The main thing was a big landscaping project for the front of the house, which included installing a new parking pad made of turf stone and planting woolly thyme in all the holes.  Originally this project was supposed to be easy, but one thing led to another, and we ended up doing way more than we bargained for.  Luckily Leia was there to help!  We also took a nice hike up the 5 Lakes Trail, although Leia again missed most of it:)

The baby lion is sleeping in her den.

It feels so good to get exercise again!

Scenic shots with the new camera.

I see you peeking out of your den!

Trying out the new Walker...she needs to grow a little bit more to really use it properly.

I don't think lions and elephants usually like to play together.

Leia helping mom and dad plant 1,000 little holes of Wooly much fun!
Whoa, they're actually giving me margaritas? Sweet!

I hope Dad's not watching this!

Another Bacon Month meal...Bacon and Pesto Pizza with Sautéed Collard Greens and Bacon.

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