Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Leia Week 5 - 7/31/13

In Leia's 5th week of life we finally left the house for a little vacation to Santa Rosa for our friends Zeena and Rob's Wedding.  Leia's 1 month birthday was the same day as Zeena's Wedding, July 26, 2013.  She was a perfect guest, happy and quiet the whole time (except for when she was screaming at the car with Dad and not taking her bottle...boob to the rescue!)  We also visited Leia's Great Grandmother Mary Anne (whom her middle name, Marian, is named after) and her Great Aunts in Fairfield, where we had a fun lunch and family photo shoot.  Leia also had many firsts this week: first time in the ocean, first time swimming, and first month of life complete!

Apparently its really comfortable to sleep with your arms above your father, like daughter!

Dad and his little sun worshipper at Bodega Bay.

Leia's first dip in the was very cold!

Happy baby recovered quickly from her water trauma.

Lovely ladies at the beach.

It was an overcast day, we didn't stay too long, and we really did keep her under this shade cover, but Leia got pretty fried, as you will see in the rest of her pics from this week. (I got fried on my feet as well, but no one else even got color...weird!)
Little diva celebrating her 1 month birthday in her pretty kimono!

Zeena, Rob, and Noura getting ready for the big event.

Whoa, who's that handsome man with the cute baby?

The beautiful bride.

The perfect ceremony.

The happy family.

Daddy puts baby in the corner.

Can you believe we didn't even mean to coordinate so well!?

A little late night wedding feeding.

Transue Family Wedding Photo Booth session...somehow only Leia remembered that the point was to make funny faces...she reminds us of something from Calvin & Hobbs! (Click on this pic to see a bigger size)

Busting out another new outfit from her endless wardrobe for the wedding brunch.

Auntie Z with her little cutie.

Leia was not interested in the tour of Benziger Winery...guess we don't have to worry about her turning into a wino!

We enjoyed ourselves though!

Leia's first swim...she totally loved it...never even made a peep!

Daddy and his little Water Snake...not sure who had more fun here!
I finally mastered the baby swaddle...I call this one with the legs tucked the "burrito mini"...

...and this is my "burrito grande"...she much prefers to keep her legs straight!

4 generations of Ablan daughters...Mary Anne, Jean, Katharine, and Leia Marian.

Fun lunch with the family.

Leia and her Grand Nanna.

Uh oh Mom, did she pee in your lap?  Look at her devilish grin!

Great Aunt Joanne was so happy to meet the little girl for whom she's been madly knitting!

Even though he's seen her since she was born, Uncle John finally got the nerve to hold his niece at 1 month old.

Aunt Stacia has been the baby whisperer since the days when Leia was in my belly.

Happy times with Great Aunt Lucy.

Nakie baby play time means smiles for all!

Look at her huge and cute little feet!

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