Monday, May 27, 2013

A Photo Journey Through The Life of Princess Zelda Sopritti Transue - 5/27/13

Princess Zelda Sopritti Transue is probably one of the most photographed fetuses around.  We've been lucky enough to get regular ultrasounds throughout her development, and with today's 3D technology, many of the pictures are pretty amazing.  We are down to only +/- 3 weeks until her due date, so we just had our last pictures before we meet the real baby girl and find out her new name!  Until then, enjoy this photo shoot of Princess Zelda's life...

11/1/12 - 7 Weeks old, just a little peanut!

12/6/12 - 12 Weeks old, profile view.

12 Weeks, 3D view...we were a little worried about her devil horns, but the doctor reassured us that it was just the lining of the soft spot on its  head!
1/24/13 - 19 Weeks old...First ever crotch shot of her labia...It's a girl!!

19 Weeks, 3D of baby baby girl's head with her arm in front of her face.

19 Weeks, more 2D.  Top picture is her lying sideways, skull on the left (can see her forehead and eyes) and belly on the right (can see the black holes of her developing stomach and intestines).

19 Weeks. Our beautiful daughter in 3D! Hand is still in front of her face, and look at her cute nose and well defined chin in profile!

3/27/13 - 28 Weeks old. 3D profile, but it's a little hard to see because her face is so smashed up against the uterine wall.  Can see a little bulge of her eye, lips, and that well defined chin again.

28 Weeks - 2D profile of this very flexible little girl...she's lying on her back with her legs stretched out right in front of her face...our little taco!  That means her little foot is right there poised to kick me in the stomach!!

28 Weeks - one more 2D looking straight on at her face.  You can see her one eye is closed, somewhat of an indication of a nose, and her lips in shadow below.  As we watched her on US, she kept licking and sucking with her lips.

4/15/13 - 31 Weeks old, 2D profile shot of her in her taco position...You can see a leg and foot on the top left, an arm and hand in the middle, and a shadowy profile of her head on the bottom right...she really likes to keep those hands and feet right in front of her face!

31 Weeks - There's that cute little foot that keeps pounding up against my belly!

4/24/13 - 32 Weeks old, 3D shot of her face forward sucking on her hand again!  You can see all of one closed eyelid and part of the other, cute little nose, chubby cheek on the right, and the fist in the mouth.

32 Weeks, same shot, slightly different coloring.

5/22/13 - 36 Weeks old, 2D frontal shot of her face lying sideways...forehead is on the right, one closed eye on top, with the white line of her nose below it, leading down to 2 slightly open lips on the left.

36 Weeks - 3D face shot! Her eyes were open (you can see one on the right), cute little pug nose, and some big full lips (which means she may look like her father!).  Still has the cute chubby cheeks.

36 Weeks - She's got her fist back up in her face covering one eye, but the other eye is still open looking at us, and we get a slightly different angle of her nose and lips.  She's looking cute and looking ready to come out.  We can't wait to meet her!!

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